Still trash to level?

Question in the topic. Druid still a horrible slog until basically end of game? I’d like to try some of the new stuff out, but not if it is just as terrible as before. I don’t want to spend triple the amount of time leveling it when I could do it faster and better as something else.


I had rough time untill level 45±.
After that its “decent”

So more than level 45, or less.

Yes. But aspect of slaughter makes it more bearable.

Movement speed is part of it, resource management is the other. If you get the right drops for your pet than it makes spam casting much easier. The minute you don’t have to rely on casting a generator every other skill the class feels great. Until then you have to adapt your build and run poison creeper + neurotoxin with an umbral aspect plus spec into other passives in the tree for spirit generation.

This can only be achieved in higher levels… 80s~

I know I’m kind of late, but I’m having a blast leveling up my druid so far. It was feeling slower-ish in the first 40 or so levels with pets only and landslide with next to no proper aspects, but opened up come WT3 as soon as I got the Landslide Creeper aspect. I’m playing a Creeper/Landslide build, and so far, I’m level 74 in 14 hours solo and I’m taking my time looking at paragon boards and gear, so I could have done better if I was in a hurry or something. Some of that leveling speed come from the current event, I’ll give you that, but it’s not too bad per se and in my case: I wouldn’t call it trash to level. Maybe that build is only good at leveling, and it’s trash-tier when it comes to pushing harder content, I don’t know.

Even at lvl 57-58, going into WT4 solo was not too bad. I simply move, go in a bunch of enemies and cast my creeper, cast landslide if there are any survivors and move to the next group. Most elites die in a single landslide cast, but trash mobs are more annoying and yes, moving around isn’t as fast while having no skill to help you move faster.

That is, it’s a single build, and maybe most Druid builds aren’t doing too well unless they’re full of uniques.

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its not horrible. just learn what skills to choose when leveling up.

Rabies to lv it spreads to quick

Straight lightning storm with pets for shepherd aspect is pretty fun and fast. And almost all the aspects are in codex. I just stutter stepped with wind shear and LS. Don’t even need to use pets just have em on bar for damage boost to LS. Started with rabies and creeper +alpha wolves, but found it very boring and tired of waiting on cds to use skills. Now I just wait on trample for free mana and unstoppable when needed.

I had no problem leveling to 50 in WT2 with a shred/rabies build the entire way w/ poison creeper at first but then I swapped to wolves because of the season journey aspects

I thought maybe it was just me. Now I am going to freely admit that I find the Pulverize build fun. Shoot, I can pop my bear form and make it roar and and Leroy Jenkins into the closest enemy. But I have done some quests, side quests and just wandering the dessert.

And it seems like I should have gone up several levels during that time… but its slooooo sloooo slooooo. Oh saw a camel and hit him in wolf form and the camel made a noise then boom dead. I instantly felt a real sense of guilt and regret. He was just a peaceful camel. No threat… and he gets close and my druid becomes a werewolf and kills the camel. I play for fun and I guess I will have to just make sure my build is ready

I ran a lightning storm build for maybe the first 30 levels or so and that was pretty effective. After that I weent shred wolf which didn’t seem to really start becoming enjoyable until lvl 50 or so. Now I’m having a blast wolf hopping from target to target.

You nailed it! It has been said before time and time again. Our movement speed and resource management are problems 1-50. At 50 plus paragons and aspects start filling in the void with added power ect.

Blizz started making basic skills more powerful which I do believe helps with resource management early game.

As for movement speed: “Fierce wind shear”,“Digitigrade gate”, & “Shred” are basically your options here.

I think paingorgers was a witty move for the middle tier if you can get it early enough, which is possible. Also “wind shear aspect” helps a ton with resource management but realistically you wont have it early levels just like “umbral”. So that means , “abundance” & “heart of the wild” are a must.

So use the passives as best you can early and obel gamble and try to get those aspects; till then bare with being a slower leveling class unfortunately.

it gets better above lvl 70 and wile lvling use 2 different companions to get the heat of you when needed, i use werewolf’s and poison creaper .

To be honest the easiest way to level a Druid is pulverize. Earth Spike and Pulverize make life so much easier till you get to whatever level you want to go from there. Once you get the pulverize wave aspect you will clear everything and rarely take a potion.

Trash is a bit harsh. I enjoy leveling my Druid.

now that you can level in the open world quite well and leech from all those activities, it’s not that painful.

I dont think so, at least lvl up druid was very fun to me, in special werewolf builds.