Still can't be interested in this season

The changes to items seem fine and all, but I still lose interest before I can even experience those item changes to their fullest. When I started playing this season I was fairly hopeful, but I got bored by level 20. For me, playing a sorc main, I just can’t feel satisfied with the flow of combat or my relative power when I throw a bolt of lightning at a monsters face.

Although items were clearly an issue, and I can’t give good feedback since I never made it that far… I can at least give feedback that has been a problem since day 1 (at least for the sorceress):

The movement, combat, and spell animations are as bad as an older game like D2 or Titan Quest.
This makes the game feel insanely lack-luster. I can’t stand watching my character just follow my mouse pointer like a robot… at the very least it should attempt to balance itself when turning sharply (opposed to just turning around and ignoring physics).

The spell animations - I don’t even know how to describe how bad they are… personally I love lighting spells, but this extends to everything. For chain lightning, it doesn’t even look like lightning. There is no satisfying electrocution animation when it hits something. It doesn’t make the environment glow and crackle. There isn’t a single thing good about how it looks.

Spell options/customization are currently less than what D3 offered at launch.
Even though people didn’t like the rune system in D3, I loved the number of options it gave me. Of course it could have been done in a more satisfying way, but at least there was customization. I loved having a choice between different kinds of hydras.

In D4, sure there was the paragon boards at launch, but they only offer ways of improving the stats of your build. They don’t offer anything interesting. ie. being able to swap an element of a skill (and seeing changes to its spell effects), making chain lightning scatter on impact instead of bounce, make frozen orb pull monsters in, etc.


There is an HD texture pack for the game is it still bad looking even with that on and in 4k to 8k resolution on max settings? For movement there is a WASD option if you don’t want to use click to move as well.

Also I agree with the limitations to spells kind of sucking, especially early on. I would think future expansions and future patches might add in new systems that allow for customized damage types more with various spells, new spell effects, and more to open up new potential builds. But for now we have what we have.

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If you can’t make it past lvl 20 without getting bored then this just isn’t the game for you. There’s no amount of system changes that’ll fix that.


Where could I find this texture pack? Does it include improve spell visuals as well?

I’ve been debating using WASD… I actually don’t mind it. But I guess the point I was trying to make wasn’t just about using the mouse to move, but rather the responsiveness of the character when telling it to change directions and such.

There’s an option on install to use the hd texture pack, so you might already have it if you did the full 80gb install, and I think you have to enable the highest settings in the game to see them.

I played D3 every season, getting to at least level 300 paragon and at most 1200, and yet it has simpler and fewer systems. The reason why is because it felt satisfying to play. D4 can do the same, so I wouldn’t just go with the simple answer of “this isn’t the game for me”. Right now that is true obviously… even though what we look for in a game might differ, you can’t say having decent visuals wouldn’t make your experience better as well.

I’m giving you a +1 here not because I agree with you, but because your opinion is nicely laid out, and you give constructive feedback. It’s nice to see some one not just blatantly hating on the game. Maybe in the future the game will improve for you, but maybe it won’t. Give it a year and see where it’s at. Worst case scenario you never play the game again.

Regardless of what you decide to do, I wish you well on your future adventures.

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The movement, combat, animations are 1000% better than POE. God, I cant stand most of that game where youre running the same boring maps with a 1-button build clearing two or three screens. Your character has so much attack speed that you dont see any animation, sh_t just dies beyond your screen. Piano flasks and 1 button builds…

At least in D4, we have some unique animations, most builds are more than 1 click, more than two clicks and require some thought moment to moment.

I’m glad the other games exists, people have an option. I like D4 though even after trying the others. The fidelity, and gameplay are at a might higher quality (my opinion).

That said, this season will be the shortest, which is also good.