Stat squish feels like it wasn't enough

For a PTR patch deploying a new stat squish, people are still doing hundreds of millions of damage. The stat squish was supposed to stop crazy high damage numbers like this. Creating a new starting line for future content which will have increased player power.

Edit: No longer hundreds of millions and billions of damage people are hitting for Trillions and Quadrillions on PTR… stat squish has completely failed.


I really don’t get this stat squish movement, you guys can’t read? What you really want with this ? Builds hitting for 1 to 10 ? It’s getting annoying and ridiculous.


Oh, yeah, People doing good damage with all the cheat gear, Maxed out legendary glyphs. Best rolled Mythics. Wow just wow. I would be embarassed to have posted this.


You must be trolling. This is a Diablo game. If you think the PTR isn’t obtainable then we are not on the same level gaming.

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Not trolling, But sometimes I feel like doing that. What my point is, Most players will never get that type of gear on live. So from my point of view, the argument you make is based off unrealistic assumptions that we all will be showered with prime gear and items.

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Doesn’t matter what “Most players” will do. If it’s obtainable it’s the Apex. What the players will gear for and the goal post. The point of the stat squish was to prevent big absurd numbers which are harder to balance the game which they clearly mentioned on the campfire. Also, it was to create a lower starting point to build on for future player power being added to the game. You don’t seem to understand that despite the stat squish players are still reaching like a billion damage… what do you think the game is going to look like in 3-5seasons if that’s your starting point. You’ll be back into absurd numbers in no time thus the stat squish failed. POE took 10+ years to get to crazy numbers… diablo released the game in that state, and it’ll just get worse.


You have control issues, Why does it matter what other players do? Why don’t you focus on yourself? Do you live in a house without mirrors?

I have control issues for pointing out the stat squish which was done to prevent big damage numbers and was the primary objective for the devs doing it… didn’t actually do that… interesting take. GL with that.


Stop trolling, already.


So you commented before knowing what we are talking about? This was an objective of the developers to reduce the stats because absurd numbers are a bad foundation to build new player power onto and make it more difficult to balance the classes/skills. Guess you missed the livestream.


So a difference of opinion is trolling? That’s weak.

Your claims that PTR gear is unobtainable is trolling. Your comment about control issues and house of mirrors because I pointed out the objective the developers sought out wasn’t reached, was also trolling. How are you confused.


Call it what you want, I really don’t care. In the end what you say or I say really does not matter.
The Dev’s Have set in motion an idea of what direction they want the game to go in. Neither you or I, issues their pay checks.

Yep, an this is PTR feedback. The devs created a stat squish to get smaller damage numbers and didn’t get that, so this is the feedback.


lol ok what ever, I can say with the upmost confidence, That none of my characters on PTR are hitting anywhere near the numbers that my live characters hit for. And my PTR characters are better equipped.

Millions and billions before millions and billions after. Objectively that’s a fail. In fact it’s even worse than before considering pits were never cleared before the stat squish. Max pit was unobtainable before.


Once again speedy you pop up in a stupid argument stating how you have no ideas how number work. GG

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This might come as a shock to you, But for most people games are more than just math. There is a thing called the fun factor. Most people could care less about the mathmatics of a game just like most people could care less about the engineering of their car. they just want it to work right.
And of course, It’s base human nature to call something stupid that they don’t understand.

The fun ends when the math crashes the game sadly.

Did you never play D3?


Don’t bother replying to the trolls- if players on the PTR are still doing billions of damage it’s a clearly a failure on Blizz’s part that they need to correct.