... standardizing the density of elite monsters that spawn in dungeons

Continuing the discussion from HOTFIX 9 - June 13, 2023 - 1.0.2:

This is awesome.
Please stop standardizing all dungeons to the lowest common denominator.

Eventually every single dungeon will have 1 mob buried deep in the back and you need to spend 45 min running everywhere to find it.

This is not fun.


I will be honest.
They do everything DONT want you to play more than 1 char.

You dont have enouth space.
you have to collect everything multiple times
you cant barly lvl up your twink right now cause they nerfed like every single dungeon
you dont get any loot anymore and have to farm 3 times as long like before just for a single drop.

there are maybe 0,001% of the playerbase who cry about something and you imidiatly nerf everything cause of them … and 99,99% are pissed cause of your decition.
you managed allready nearly every class has 1 build to play cause you nerfed the rest and everything is fine in your head.

People who abused some exploids before and are 90+ are happy right now but everyone else who play like a normal human being get punished all the time.

the game was absolutly fine until day 1 but you managed to destroy nearly everything in just 2 Weeks.
GG Activition Blizzard.

but anyway all in your mind is just Money and “We dont care you guys payed allready for the game” …

Edit: after this logic every dungon should have exactly the same amount of elite and normal enemys but they arent.
Everything you do guys just make people quit the game and this just after 2 week …


At that point ,then they should just have Single dungeon , others would be pointless…
and the one would be, the shortest / smallest.

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WTF that is real dumb with over 100 dungeons some should be really hard the meta fo the dungeons should shift over time and there should be lots of dungeons that can be farmed for fun exp gain. what is wrong with some players liking a classic diablo feel in a area.

anyone really miss the D3 elites? Always a pack of 3. Stood out and easy to see in a hectic fight. Color coded so you know what your dealing with…lots of easy to see and fun to engage in mechanics.

Why did they go from that to one slightly bigger mob, with no other indication of their power ect. Doesnt seem to effect trash mobs either. Just a slightly more tanky mob with maybe the lightning or waller. Also the effects and mechanics were so simple and easy to see on screen.

Where did all the fun effects go? Are there no more rare and elite tier mobs and just HP tank with effect?


These nerfs are “standardizing” and “nomalizing” my playtime from D4 back to Last Epoch and PoE. Almost every nerf to classes, items, and density has been a terrible choice. The game has gotten less fun and more tedious every day since launch.

You should be buffing the trash builds, vastly increasing density EVERYWHERE, and adding more items into the game. This game isn’t good enough to be getting worse already…


blizzard doing its best to ruin the game before season 1

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Nerf after nerf! Who are they “standardizing” for?

Look not everyone has pro player levels of gear and we all aren’t copying their builds. Some of us want to suck and get owned but not by an army of elites that you guys one shot okay. So deal with it!

Standardizing is good, but at a MUCH higher level please!

This entire game is that way. Everything about it is “the same”. Level scaling makes it all feel the same. Their dungeon tweaking makes every dungeon the same.

It’s all boring, it’s all tedious. It’s not fun.

they NEVER did it like this anywhere … instead of buffing unplayable stuff they always nerf something. and thats why people often quit the games at all and the rest is just maybe around 5-10% of a playerbase.

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dungeon should be in generall way longer and with way more enemys … its ultra annoying to play a dungeon like 5min and start the next.
Make a difference between Exp dungeon and Glyph dungeons …

We need more mon density… why are you ruining what Diablo is known for…

Yea hope they will think about in the first season

I think devs need to stop being so controlling.

Let players play the game the way they like. Just because maybe 1% of players are getting to 100 in the first two weeks using efficient means, doesn’t mean the rest will follow suit, and doesn’t mean you should adjust your game just to respond to that 1% of players.

If anything, devs should have the capacity to let these small groups of players do what they want, as long as it doesn’t cause a problem for the rest of the players.

Maintain the game so that it is a good experience for the vast majority of players. Don’t knee-jerk to every highly dedicated player strategy or tactic, and end up making your game a patchwork of unrelated and thus seemingly random nerfs and adjustments that ultimately feel incoherent and mismatched as a game in general.

Let players “play” in your game. Don’t treat it like an assembly line where players are only allowed steps and processes you sanction. Gaming shouldn’t be like that.

You got it finally bro … just 95% of the Playerbase has to quit for it