Staff of the Crone Unique Effect not Applying Scaling

Issue experienced by myself and another player using Staff of the Crone that expected more damage out of the Unique effect where Storm Strike is simultaneously cast at a multiplicative amount.
Compared to previous seasons, the functionality has changed.
Source Reddit Thread
This was also discussed with the same user in the D4 official Discord server in the Druid chat.
Current behavior leads us to believe the item might have broken when S4 was released.
Storm Strike is cast but the damage is oddly much lowered than the Claw skill, and leads to the idea that with the staff equipped the Storm Strike damage is solely based off of the skill tree tooltip and is missing many multiplicative effects.

This was tested by casting Claw with the Staff Equipped:
Video showcasing the lower than expected damage

To confirm further, on the Discord, it was discussed with the user to test the damage of Storm Strike cast by itself compared to with Claw.
As per the user, the damage increased was almost 3 fold compared to the skill being cast by Claw.

Hopefully this can get a hotfix as it would open up the avenue for another Druid build to be viable because as it stands with this effect bugged, it is not worth at all to run the build.


I have done more investigation into this. The culprit is adaptability aspect.

Steps to reproduce:

  1. Equip GreatStaff

  2. Remove variables such as poison from claw skill/toxic claws passive with envenom etc

  3. Cast claw. Record the resulting stormstrike damage from casting claw that is triggered from the claw cast as per the Greatstaff unique effect. Let’s call this ‘ClawStrike’.

  4. Cast StormStrike manually. Record the damage.

  • We should see that ClawStrike damage is on average x% higher where x is the (roll of their greatstaff effect - 100), e.g. for a roll of 138 for the unique effect, we’d expect x to be (138-100) - so 38.

In reality, the manually cast stormstrikes are hitting much harder.

After some investigation I have found the culprit. It’s my adapability aspect. It does not work on the ‘triggered’ ClawStrike.

If I remove adaptability, the ClawStrike damage is on average x% higher, as one would expect.

This may be intended behavior, but it seems unlikely. It’s also a huge nerf to what was a strong & popular build (for an already relatively weak class!).


while im not sure which basic attack aspect is causing this after 20 minutes of testing, i do admit that stormstrike casted by claw does not benefit from additional 44% damage from Greatstaff if i have equipped moonrise and adaptability at the same time.

This is infuriating, because i just posted 2 different bugs regarding greatstaff and this makes it third. XDDDDD

Basically, it doesnt matter if you roll 100% stormstrike damage on greatstaff or 150% because of that.

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From my testing its adaptability and the greatstaff effect role does matter! That part is still functioning correctly from what I can tell. The bug/issue is that adaptability - which is a huge source of dps for the build - it only applies to self cast spells it seems, not triggered ones.

i have adaptality on amulet and my stormstrike triggered by claw does the same damage as stromstrike alone, both boosted by adaptability but not by 144% multiplier on greatstaff

If i unequip all adaptability and moonrise then buff from greatstaff is properly applied.

It also might be that amulet multiplier for adaptability only applies to claw and not to stormstrike (it is same percentage as greatstaff so its not that simple to deduce without spending gold, mats and time, which im sadly not paid for)

So, not only is this unique weak this season, it also has at least 3 bugs reducing its usability. Awesome. Just what druids needed.

The adaptability amulet is 2.2 x multiplier (if max roll on amulet) for because it says it increases damage by 120%.

The greatstaff wording is different (it does 100-150% of normal damage), so it’s x1-1.5 multi (with 1.5 at 150%).

amulets multiplier itself is 1.5 (which means 50% in the game). im not talking about adaptability multiplier but only about amulet’s bonus. Greatstaff at max roll gives exactly the same bonus as puting one of damage aspects on amulet. Hence we can not conclude without further testing if amulet’s bonus is indeed applied for additional stormstrike cast caused by Greatstaff.

As much as I would like to be hopeful I had made posts about constricting tendrils stunning the user for druids since ALPHA and its still not fixed. Blizz made a commercial for I think season 2 or 3 where they did improper BASIC math and put it out to the public then deleted the video 2 days later. Safe to say we cannot trust any of the dmg numbers that are displayed on any passive or active skill. End game D4 is waste your materials until you find something that is bugged/not bugged and roll with it.

I’m lost a bit with this comment here.

Greatstaff at max roll is a 1.5 multiplier. A max roll adaptability aspect on amulet is a 2.2 multiplier.

This is why we’re seeing manually cast stormstrikes hitting harder than those cast from the greatstaff’s unique effect when you use claw.

The manual cast ones are getting a 2.2 multiplier (from adaptability) whereas the greatstaff ones that are cast from claw are only getting a 1.5 multi.

What I, and many others it seems, expect, is that the greatstaff ‘cast’ ones (i.e. the ones cast from claw being cast) get both the adaptability multiplier and the greatstaff multiplier.

listen, amulet is like just another multiplier, just because you have adaptability on amulet it doesnt mean you have 2.2 adaptability. You have 1.8 adaptability, 1.5 greatstaff and 1.5 amulet buff because it has one of multipliers on itself. It doesnt even matter which multiplier you put on amulet. You get the same output (using math). But there being bugs is another thing.

about aspect itself, I dont believe your stormstrike using greatstaff is doing over 2x less damage than normal stormstrike, beacuse I didnt observe that much of a difference between the two. But i am willing to believe that it doesnt work if adaptability is applied on amulet, because it seems plausible that someone did wrong programming in that regard.

I just tested once more and pure stormstrike deals 120k damage, while stormstrike with claw 80k. So, here we go, exactly 50% less.

Amulet just boosts the specific aspect that’s placed into it by 50%, it’s not a global 1.5 multiplier!

it doesnt have to be global if it includes all skills you’re using.
Regardless, amulet is still just a multiplier. Same with 2h weapon.