Spiritborn Ultimates

I love the Ultimates for the Spiritborn class but my biggest complaint is you can only cast 1 at a time! I understand with lore you could only have 1 spirit “active” at a time but its not only is annoying not being able to spam the hunter, but its holding the class back when it comes to builds focues on ultimates. I think by removing the restriction on casting an ult a second time while your first cast is still active will really give some build chances for ults and the awesome Ult Unique Glaive.

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Right now Spiritborn Ultimate abilities cannot be recast until the duration has expired instead of as soon as the Cooldown has finished. Most Ultimate abilities for other classes can be recast as soon as they are off cooldown. Call of the Ancients for example allows for several copies of the Ancients to be out at once. They are all “named” ancients and there is no problem with multiple copies of them running around. The biggest need is the Protector, being stuck in one spot for 6 sec is too long for this game. Even if it cancels and removes the previous cast, being able to recast it in a different spot as soon as it is off CD would be a huge improvement. Also potentially adding the Summon tag.