Spiritborn has only one weapon slot.. why?!

Barb 12 slots for uniques, legendary aspect, and superstrong tempering
Rog 11 slots for uniques, legendary aspect, and superstrong tempering
Sorc, Necro, Druid 9 or 10 slots for uniques, legendary aspect, and superstrong tempering
Spiritborn 9 slots slots for uniques, legendary aspect, and superstrong tempering ( only can equip 2h weapon )

That’s why there are so many good builds on Barbie because you can do a lot of combinations, and Spiritborn is extremely simplified

If someone tells me that the lack of 2-3 Legendary aspects for skills and tempering doesn’t change much, they don’t know anything about Diablo, and the creators have even less idea about balance, because the differences are already visible in the very base of the character.

For the less intelligent… it’s about the possibilities of building characters


This kind of feedback is far more valuable after seeing the class first hand in Season 6 because we actually have no idea what is going to be released in terms of SB-only aspects, uniques and mythics. They could be super powerful as-is lowering the need to expand out further multipliers. Also paragon.

but its not just multipliers you apply… its skill interactions like applying bleed, or stunning and defensive mechanics… things that sorc need to have on items but cannot because they need to go for the raw +X% multi mod instead (like making chain lightning hit more targets… this sucks because it has ZERO +x% mod on it, yet all of barb skills do both skill effect and a dmg multi)

barb will forever be broken without removal of slots to balance this … (or not removal just make it so the ONLY aspect that effects the barb is the one from the weapon they are currently using for the attack, so you have +X% to dmg if you hit a stunned mob on your 2hand slasher but you hit it with your duel wield weapons they wouldnt get the bonus enless they switched to the 2hand slasher to hit the stunned mob) then every class would be balanced around SORC/DRUID/NECRO’s limitations, rogue would also need same treatment with ranged vs melee

If season 6 will in fact squish numbers the issue could effectively be resolved there. I.E. more smaller multipliers to far lowers numbers = slightly larger lower numbers.

Now reward class-specific affixes and uniques with less weapons better multipliers and you get the same thing.

Again, all remains to be seen.

just cause the numbers are closer together with a squish DOES NOT mean the classes are now “balanced”. devs will still have to add “power creep” every season to bring players to come log back. then the small differences become larger AGAIN. this is a small bandaid on the bad balances that are the current state of the game. same number of items = only way to balance, because SORC/DRUID/NECRO still dont get the same amount of “enchantments” from those extra items it would a math nightmare to balance, and if it was balanced with current item advantage then its “unfair” to barb at that point due to needing to farm extra items, getting perfect rolls on 2 extra items, getting perfect enchants ect,ect…

i understand how they want a “class perk” for the game, but right now “extra stat sticks” is way way way way to broken

and with my idea to just “limit” the number of perks they have “active” while still getting to wear those items for the arsenal system (witch always under performed compared to berserk passive, kinda ironic LOL) still gives a “unique feel to the class” without a balance headache

you are missing something i think there buddy.
in term of weapons :
2 handers are worth 2 : 1 handers in term of stat / aspect / tempering etc…
And barb has 1 extra 2 hander than the rogue , so they have 2 more slots than rogues which themselves have 2 extra slot compared to the rest

basic class is 10 , rogue is 12 (1 extra 2 handers or 2 extra 1 handers), barb is 14.
(or you can add a 0,5 to all if you count amulet being 150% aspect i guess)

eitherway, yea the difference in term of equipment slot is a huge problem, every update about items which make them more powerful will always tilt the balance towards the classes that have more weapons slot.
meaning : impossible to balance unless they nerf the classes with more slots every update…which is bad

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