Spiritborn Evade Build IS Officially Being FIXED (BUG ACKNOWLEDGED)

Yes nerf it but ofc dont nerf the Quill Volley that does billions of damaged and one shots torment bosses in a 4 man party :DDDD

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That isn’t really a nerf. Evade casting will still hit for billions.

They’re just nerfing layering Evade too quickly. And that’s not even required to do.

That build while bonkers op will be nerfed but its going to be mid season or most likely S7. The evade had to go it was literally breaking the servers. How is this so hard to understand???

I would have much rather he had said, “this is not how it was intended to work, deal with it!”

Show me on the doll where the SB touched you.

Seriously, seek professional help. If a bug (not an exploit) gets you this bent out of shape, you need it. Asking for the banning of everyone who played this build because it was bugged, admitted by you, is some real WWII vibes.

Tone it down by like 98 notches. Blizzard is fixing it. Just be happy. You don’t need to be so miserable.


Yeah never lagged or crashed before this expansion. I didnt crash yet but seriously lagged when lots of SB evades were near. I have a 1GB hardwired connection. One thing they need to do is go back to region based servers. If in the US you get a US server, in the EU a EU server. Now everyone is in the western US servers and each server is based on load capacity. You will get someone in the EU with a 200 ping with someone with a 10. Way off balance.

Only fixing it because it was breaking the servers. They knew this build existed but waited to test the load on the servers and this is a major cause of people crashing and lagging.

I would be fine with that except the game becomes a laggy, unplayable, seizure inducing nightmare once a couple evade SB show up anywhere.

Its fun for the SB and god awful for everyone around them. If they changed the animation or fixed the impact on the game, I could care less what people do.

changing keybinds isnt an exploit. theres been plenty of builds across many arpgs that bind things to mousewheel

Penitent, hell even Torment 1 and 2, are really not a good indicator of how it will be in T4.
Builds often seem too strong early and then don’t scale at the end.
For example I was one shotting Maiden in Torment 1 when I first got here, that does not mean I will be doing the same in T4. I am on a Druid. I have leveled them enough to know they always look really good early…and then… “wok wok!” :joy:

Which is fine. I’m tired of the game crashing. And yes, I was playing this build until finding out that Quill Volley was superior in every way for pushing content. The only thing that got me to comment is that we have some rather insane zealots in here.

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Stop being obtuse and ask for buffs to other classes and their specs. requesting to bring one classes build down to other classes mediocrity is stupid.

Mid-league, no. S7, absolutely. Players should never be afraid of rolling what is believed to be “the build of the league” in an ARPG. Mid-league nerfs that have nothing to do with performance-related bug fixes set the precedent that you shouldn’t roll the top build just in case you wake up one morning, ready to blast, only to find it got arbitrarily gutted overnight.

Even overperformance bugs shouldn’t be fixed in most cases, assuming said bugs aren’t causing server/client stability issues. For example, remember how Earthen Bulwark not only survived S0, but S1 as well? Druids were able to abuse a blatant bug with it and clear content nobody else could, and it didn’t get fixed until S2.

Anyone is perfectly welcome to make a SB. Stockpile a bunch of boss mats and Obols on your main, funnel them to your SB (who inherits your Paragon levels), and gear it up. You can easily get T4-ready in a day, then farm your way to top end gear.

It makes sense they are fixing it so you can’t evade 50 times before one evade animation ends. Definitely not how evade should be working.

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Well, players exploiting this bug could clear out T100s in 4 minutes. Meanwhile, the rest of the player base is busy trying to get to torment 4 or maybe struggling at pit 80s to finish before the clock.

So at the end of the day, the pile of godly loot the exploiter has is a mile high compared to the molehill of loot the rest of the community gets. So every player that wasn’t exploiting never had a chance at getting great prices for early finds on great gear. That phase is all over because exploiters flooded the market.

And this did not work without a macro. So it should be bannable. But as they are the last 100k players, they will not ban anyone.

so how does them being able to clear a pit100 quicker than you break the economy?

This blue post was not the same as changing a key bind. It didn’t make to go faster than pressing space it saved your thumb lol. If people used a macro that’s something else entirely.

That blue post is talking about someone killing infinitely spawning enemy. Like if Duriel started just spawning and someone farm him for 20 hours straight lol.

Now that Blizzard has called it a bug people should stop playing it for sure but you are reaching so hard.

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Dumb question, but what does it mean to be behind in a game with no competitive aspect to it what-so-ever?

Which they do. Maybe read into this build :blush: