Spiritborn (eagle): the closest thing to the Demon Hunter

If I remember correctly, during the developers’ streaming, they talked about the eagle spirit being able to dodge damage with movement skills.

This makes the Spiritborn the closest class to Diablo 3 in the game (apparently, there are no iFrames in D4).

Additionally, the eagle spirit seems to have medium-long range attacks with a large area of ​​effect.

If we add this, to the fact that it is also a fast movement class, the Eagle Spirit seems to be the closest thing to the Demon Hunter from Diablo 3 that we will find in D4.

I love the Demon Hunter, and the rogue doesn’t deliver the same gameplay in my opinion, so I’m very excited to see how a range glasscanon Spiritborn performs.

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You’re focusing on the wrong points, it’s all about the DoT synergies.

The centipede is about damage over time, the eagle is about tactical play.

Maybe I don’t know too much about the class and maybe it does have more damage over time, however, the speed and tactical combat is the Demon Hunter type of gameplay.

I think the centipede is more like the Witch Doctor and the jaguar is more like the Monk.

I think the gorilla is harder to compare… but it’s probably similar to certain crusader and paladin builds.

Meh , The spiritborn will be a spiritborn :slight_smile:


I believe it’ll be an AH-64 Apache actually. So much destructive power and mobility, it’ll be glorious.

Back to the topic people are going to compare it to every other class they can. I’ve seen people say it’s a monk, Druid, witch doctor, necro, sorc, and rogue. No one’s equated it to a Barb though, but give it time.

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Your focusing on the wrong points, it’s all about thorns synergies.

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My first impression of the gorilla was that of a Barb, because of how simple the gameplay was (for me the Barbarian has always been the character who hits first and then… hits again :sweat_smile:), but wirlwind is so characteristic of the barb that no one sees it this way.

Now… It is undeniable that the Spiritborn meets the archetypes of monk/assassin, tank/shield-user and plague-mage.

The eagle archetype is the most curious as it is a mid-range martial artist with great mobility… as if you combined a range class with an assassin or a monk… and there is only one class that meets those characteristics in Diablo: The demon hunter.

Spiritborn will be obviously and purposely op to sell the expansion. I dont blame them. Its going to be Tier SS. We all know it.