Spirit born new amulet

I started testing on PTR with a character from season 6 it is spiritborn, I dug out a new amulet full of hope that the power it gives will be able to be compiled to a reasonable level so that you can make a build under it. However, my expectations came to nothing. The time of 8 seconds for taking feathers to make any sense is too short. The fire tornado itself, which appears, does not do much dmg. In addition, the number of feathers from the aspect that allows you to summon feathers on the ground has a limited number of feathers that remain on the ground.

The most effective way to summon and collect as much feathers as possible in 8 seconds seems to be with rushing claw and focus skill spam along with the two storm feather aspects. You can expand the firestorm atleast 3-4 times easily and even more with high APM. The base damage can easily be adjusted and I expect it to change since if you are investing atleast two aspect slots and most of your skill points+paragons into it, it should be a reliable damage source on its own and not additional damage to whatever you are running alongside it. I have high hopes for this amulet, most likely because its the only decent unique of the bunch. Hopefully it ends up great.

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