Specific issue with users who played once, got disconnected, and then perpetually queued

I’m in. Thank you so much.

just the queue message with a timer that transitions to one without a timer and that is it


Im now in game whatever you guys did worked for me.

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6 AM GMT ( 13 hours and 20 minuts ago )

Changing Battlenet password just worked for me … haven’t gotten in 28 hours … my character is saved …. Xbox SX

Thanks - So users with 34203 error codes appear to be the ones having issues still


I get to main menu now and press a to enter and no other menus or anything cone up on xbox series s

I have q issue still so better not just ignore that now

I am back in now, no more perpetual queue. Thank you!

I’m in!!! I just restarted and I’m in ps5

Yesterday at 0900 PST.

Was booted at around 1130 PST.

Thank you for the update and help, i was able to get back in. I wasnt one of the error code userd though.

Just got in. Couldn’t at 3:57pm. Now at 4:17pm. I’m in with less than 1 minute wait at first queue. And hardly any wait on second queue.

Maybe they are starting to work now?

No i haven’t ever had an error code and still can’t get in.

Queue message forever, i’ve tryed to reinstall the game but nothing seems to work

About 1- 2am central standard time is when I got booted and it gives me the spinning Queued ever since.

Thanks. Just got back in.

Signed on at 1210 after beta opened. Got to first town and after getting mission to temple it booted me to character selection where my buttons did not work.
Ever since then 7 plus hours in que with no time given to connect.

Once again. Error code 300010

Queue for log in

Logging in the D4 servers

Finally: infinite queue

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I keep having to repeat myself.