Specific issue with users who played once, got disconnected, and then perpetually queued

Changed my password on battle net… playing on xbox x i am back in

Just logged on! Ty finally!

Hey, it works for me, ps5, Europe, thanks!

wow it finally let me back in! ps5 northeast

You finally let me back in. After. 24 hours. Keep restarting your game and trying to get in guys good luck.

For console users, are fully closing your games and restarting and trying again? Just want to make sure on that side.

Also what is the exact behavior you guys are seeing if you are still stuck? Is it error codes or is it just the queue message with a timer that transitions to one without a timer and that is it?

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I’m in! Mommy Lilith be praised!

Was playing this morning (like 14h ago) on PS5. I was in a dungeon and couldn’t exit it neither through the door nor a teleportation so i logged out and try to reconnect and since then i’m stuck in the infinite queue each time i try to join.

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It just says “Queued” and nothing else

I’m in. Thanks a mill !!!

Just a spinning queue no error codes or anything

queue starts → all well until “connecting to blizzard services” (me translating freely) → error message popup, the whole process is a few secs only

8:30 Alaskan time… Well over 24hrs havent been able to login. Got to the first NPC and got dc’d

now in, thanks :smile:

  • List item

Finally back in, it sat a bit at start game pending. Last time on was 2am(ish)… I think - fell asleep.

Thanks for the fix… Will be sure to logout properly tonight.

Last time it worked around 25h ago. Stuck on 34203 error on both PC and PS5 - UK

What is the error popup?

on series x just got in i dont believe it

all it says is that your are q

Fully restarted the system, the first que is around 1min then it will switch to the “QUEUED” screen and hangs there. No timer, no error codes.