Soulspire, soulspire, soulspire, soulspire, soulspire

OK this is just getting obnoxiously stupid. Wave after wave after wave it’s nothing but a smorgaspireboard. I pick hellborne. I get nothing but soulspires. I pick elites. Nothing but soulspires. I pick masses. Yup, more soulspires. I’m almost to the point I dread seeing Exalted Hordes because if I have to pick it, I’m going to end up killing monsters fast enough to get all four events up as soulspires.

What the bloody hell is going on with the infernal hordes this patch? I know the actual aether per boon/mob hasn’t gone down, but the soulspire rates have gone all the way into the next galaxy. The moon isn’t even on sensors anymore. Seriously, can we dial back the insanely stupid chain of spires already?


They wan to make sure you are not having fun.


If you say this 5x times in front of a mirror the eternal realm will explode.


Something is definitely rotten in Denmark. Wife and I noticed it after patch also. No it’s not just RNG it has fundamentally changed.

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No, no, no. But it is how you get to the Cow Level… or maybe Diablo spawns IRL. I dunno exactly, but I’m going to go try it.

EDIT: No Cow Level, Diablo didn’t spawn IRL, but when I logged into Eternal, nobody was there. So, I think you’re pretty close to correct:

It started the Rapture on Eternal. (Or at least something did.)


I agree. I must have ran dozens of Hordes last night and I’d say at least 2/3rds were Soulspires. On top of that It seems that the choices have either been nerfed or I simply have the worst rng because 90% of the choices are run speed increase, Slow with unlimited energy, 2x Soulspires, 50% increase damage on Fel Council, Unavoidable damage, Hellfire for 3-9 Aether or the Butcher. I rarely see the option for Hellborne. I do get the occasional +2 Aether if fiends are killed. Other than that, it’s bad choices round after round. I barely get above 500-600+ shards and that’s using fairly geared & 12/12 MW meta builds.

Yeah! I’ve seen 4 Soulspires at 4 corners.

Hellfire is actually good if you get it early. That will give the chance for hellfire to spawn hellborne. If you are fortunate to get the additional hellborne when spawned than you are looking at a solid run.

But if you take it beyond wave 4 or 5 you won’t get much in return for your efforts.

Yes. Choosing Spires is like a fine game of chess. :face_with_monocle:

I think we’re going about this the wrong way:

Dear Blizzard Fellow Gamers,

I’m loving the soulspire option. I choose it every time it pops up and I’m posting epic 2k+ aether runs in IH 8 on every run! It is so much fun! Even when I can’t choose them, they pop up in the next wave and give me tons of aether. I hope you they never nerf it. Soulspires forever!

Please like this post if you, too, find soulspires to be the best, most OP option in Hordes and don’t want Blizzard to ever get rid of the loot train that is Soulspires.


Yeah sourspire are fun. Especially that one where it pulls monsters into it. I don’t need to chase them around. Combine with 50% faster Event makes the entire session easy mode.




We all have horrible RNG stories. Leveling a Druid in HC earlier and pulled the “RNGeezus curses you” streak… 5 shrines and 3 chest across 2 dungeons were all cursed. Given that’s supposed to be a 1 in 10 chance for each I either hit the reverse lottery (a one in 100 million streak) or there’s something wonky with the RNG. On the plus side I got a decent aspect to drop from one of the shrines for my Landslide Druid so… shrug.

Making lemonade out of lemons. I like your attitude.

Was Biggie Smalls there?

Nope, the only person in all of Eternal was a male dressed in a blue suit and bow tie rolling around the Fields of Hatred. When he rolled down his window, I went full LS on him, but he used a scroll of escape. :frowning:

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The best part is being a pure melee build and getting endless soulspires; then having all teh mobs conveniently stop chasing you right before they enter the ring (every time). 100 mobs in a perfect circle around the soulspire… ugh…

At least they’re not one-shotting you with fireballs the size of a baby fallen.

I haven’t checked but not sure what phase this is in the beta testing. I guess it’s close to the (last) phase since we are near the end of this season?

Infernal hordes give tons of mw mats, in S6 they want us to farm mats in nightmare dungeons like braindead chickens for way less mats than IH for way more time, so the less you bring with you from S5 the better (For bliz ofc)

This is probably what is happening right now