Yesterday, I felt at ease. It was so relaxing for me who didnt pre-purchase the new xpac. I sent my buddy a message last night in discord asking if he was max level yet (aka 6 hours after the release time*) and he said they havent even let anyone play yet.
So glad I didnt buy the xpac, i would have been one of those upset eager beavers trying to spam the login to try out the new stuff. Hopefully you guys got to play sometime yesterday or later today.
Can’t wait to see the posts about how great the new class feels op
I’ve been thru those roll backs and it sucks, hopefully it gets more stable and you guys are able to play. That same thing happened to me during d2r first week, i got a super item and boom roll back - item gone.
Not sure why but this is the first bliz expansion im not upset about it being hosed, maybe cuz i didnt pre-buy it. I think from now on, i wont be pre-buying anything to have this wonderful feeling on release day.
Dont get me wrong, I probably will end up buying it but not today