Sorcerer's Passives and Legendary Nodes need huge reworks to bridge the power gap

When we look at our sorcerer passives, they pale in comparison to other classes ability to scale. We see this with our blizzard ice spike build critting for around 2 million well optimized. Meanwhile barbs and rogues are deal hundreds of millions per basic attack. Take a look at combustion, 20% burning damage with a terrible way to add more damage at 2% per unique source of burning. Multiple firewalls don’t count. Compare that to necros shadowblight. Even compare our burning instinct node that requires critical strike damage to scale versus necros insane wither legendary node.

In a game with bosses that have what appears to be health in the billions, you need to help us out. All of our nodes are capped at 1.3x, as stated before combustion is low. Vyrs mastery is even very low at 20% ish. We have 3 uncapped multisthat don’t even fair that well, barring burning iinstinct doing ok due to the influx on intelligence this season. The other two are ceaseless conduit (an absolute Meme of a glyph no build uses), and elemental summoner which would be ok, if conjuration base skill %'s weren’t so low.

Look at icefall. 1.15x damage to vulnerable. Why to get 1.3x do they have to be frozen? This is an archaic way of making a node from a time when bosses could be killed in a stagger or 2. That does not exist anymore. Why is it not just 10% of cold damage uncapped? Same with searing heat. Frigid fate should be based off 10% of vulnerable damage, uncapped, not cold damage.

All of our best multis are tied to crowd control. The control aspect and control glyph. Useless in any really hard content because boss stagger will account for a very small % of the fight. We can even look at DR chilled, which is actually useless. In a good chill build, enemies are either Bosses, Frozen, or Unstoppable. There is rarely an inbetween rendering it extremely ineffective at doing anything.

If you would allow bosses and unstoppables to be affected by crowd control tags at all times, but not crowd controlled it would alleviate much of the classes woes. I am currently avoiding all conditional multiplicative damage like the plague. Why was there no update to our boards and glyphs prior to the Pit release?

Half of our enchantments are actually useless in any real content. It just comes down to one thing, bosses bosses bosses. It’s been 4 seasons of sorc having pretty terrible boss damage besides on blizzard, which is falling really behind as we speak compared to other classes. You either gotta load us up with some unconditional stuff, or let the immense amount of damage to chilled at my disposal actually do somethign during the course of a boss fight other than the stagger. You can’t even really stagger a boss more than 3 times! They grew resistant to stagger, and any stagger attempt past the third takes 10x as long to fill the bar!



Preach, brother.

They also gotta stop reworking important mechanics without telling us about it in the patch notes - I am hearing that Firebolt DoTs had their Lucky Hit mechanics reworked with no mention in the patch notes, and there’s what you just now posted about all of the Vulnerable multipliers seemingly not working or having been changed in some way behind the scenes.

For whatever reason, Blizzard works harder at capping our damage than they do at fixing straight up bugs, like all our previously non-working glyphs that took almost a year to fix, or the fact that Meteor does way less damage than it is supposed to (still not fixed). Meanwhile they do stuff like design Flameweaver only to realize that X’Fals makes it go bananas, so they stealth nerf Firebolt’s DoT lucky hit mechanics to prevent that without telling us what they did. They don’t know what the hell they’re doing with this class.

Love your builds, love your content Lurkin!

I couldn’t agree more with this. Everything we have is tied to some CC effect, scales horribly compared to other classes and grand scheme every season Sorcs end up at the bottom rung because the coherency just isn’t there. The ONLY time Sorc was considered top end was due to bugged interactions and not because the class was funadamentally buffed to do said damage. The next patch, they obliterated all over it.

In every Diablo game this class has been my favorite and go to, however I simply can’t enjoy the class because of all the inconsistent issues, nerfs and multiple other concerns other posters have brought forward.

Please explain to me how the love child Barbarian gets away being the de facto best class season after season, in large part due to 4 weapons and developer love ALL THE TIME, while whenever the Sorc has something interesting, its gutted before the season starts. It doesn’t make for a fun or enjoyable experience at all. Folks say what others do shouldn’t matter, but why struggle on Sorc with poor legendary nodes, design, low scaling etc when I can play any other class and 10-100x the damage with a quarter of the effort.

I really hope that when they choose to do a passover on this class they do a true passover, because a huge portion of it needs fundamental, baseline reworks to put it on a level thats comparable to what other classes get for baseline free.

There is nothing wrong with Sorcerer Paragon board, in fact it is much better than necro and barbarian. 2 Million Ice Spike damage is low, Arcuied’s Blizzard hit 5m in average and 12m at its peak. Ice spikes have many ticks per second with each 5m is a respectable damage. The reason Barb has more single hit damage it the class has more weapon slots each give them extra attack power. Nothing need to change in Paragon board for sorc, Blizzard just to nerf Barb weapon slots and necro minion.

Extra enchantment slot for sorcerer will help to make a better build diversity also access to Overpower damage.