Sorcerer Damage Too Low

My character is in the mid 30s in penitent level and it seems to take forever to kill things. Survivability seems fine but damage is low. I use meteor, blizzard, and chain lightning. With arc lash as basic. It doesn’t help that the equipment I find is so weak and the lack of iron makes upgrades slow. Come on, Blizzard give the poor sorceress a little love. Either improve the damage on the weapons or bump the damage per intelligence back up to last season.

that’s what we need. with the ridiculous amount of aspects, the chances of getting a properly usable one - especially on weapons - is astronomically low.

which means you’re either forced to kill at a snail’s pace on Penitent, or level at a snail’s pace below it.

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The game warns you that in penitent level you suppose to be with several legendaries and somewhat functioning leveling build.

You don’t appear to have it, perhaps consider to move to a lower difficulty instead of requesting blizzard to dumb down penitent level by giving Sorc extra damage.

I indeed do have the requisite legendaries with appropriate aspects. It is a build I have used in the past with some changes appropriate to VoH. As as I said I am not dying all the time I just can’t kill things as fast as I should be able to. I suspect the last minute reduction in the amount of damage per intelligence has thrown off the balance. I suspect the equipment was designed for the higher damage calculation.

right, because at the start of the season it’s so easy to target-farm the aspects you need because there’s no such thing as RNG in the game…