Sorc Still Feels Real Bad (for bosses)

Chain Lighting is fun for leveling and low Helltides where you’re not using the lvl-booster.

Other than that: CL, Incinerate, Frozen Orb all feel terrible on Duriel and in the pit.

The only skill I’ve heard that might be half-decent at bossing is Blizzard/Ice Spike, but don’t have the gear to try yet.
Kind of want to try Ice Shards too, but I don’t see anyone talking about that skill.

From what I’ve read as well, it seems like the new unique, Fractured Winterclass was nerfed hard on live?
Someone said Blue Rose is no longer good either, or something.

I see every other class destroying bosses but WTF is going on with sorc lately? Just reached 100 and really don’t want to re-roll and grind out new Iron Wolves rep.

Frozen orb gibs bosses

Change stat priorities

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Every class has a build which shreds bosses now. Pit is where builds are really out of whack.

Everyone and their dog is saying FO sucks at bossing, but not tried it too much yet or know what’s best stats.

Honestly, FO isn’t even top of my list anymore. I was excited for the recent Incinerate buffs but it feels meh still. Chain Lightning is my fav skill and it’s complete buttocks (cant say “azz” lol…), outside of Unstable Currents.

Frozen orb applies an insane among of stagger, which allows for crazy multiplicative damage, which gibs bosses

Just need to be built for it

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If you’re talking NMD’s, then sure ya, Sorc is fine.

All other classes seem to be doing fine on uber bosses and mid-high pit.

What is the build? Everyone saying FO and/or the new neck sucks now.

Wut? Frozen Orb laughs at bosses when they die. Fast stagger, keep firing, dead boss.

Winterglass was nerfed, but still highly usable.

I’m loving FO, esp while doing pit runs, the non-boss monsters stand still, reminds me of the WD in D3 that cc-rooted everything.

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