Sorc nefr in 2nd week of season

Sorcerer we are strong together, let not blizzard do what they wanna.
If u playing barb, noone care about ur crying its this topic.
They nerfed barbs and the community return to stay together and, they decline nerf.
0 info about what frequense was and what it now, so we cant know how litteraly it was nerfer, but they wanna by as like we give u 30% more dmg,( but nerfer x2 frequnce).
Noone except blizzard dont know how much frequence was lowered, so we should ask them to return how it was, im played from start of season and see 0 lags and ive played a lot like 12h per day.

Great news, ive checked a lot of videos,comments,etc, and here what we have:

After nerf sorc under sauce of “server lags” and now its looks like should be fine, but a mall problem ppl still have server lags, that meant it isnt proble with sorc aspect, its happens bc of smth other…

And again sorcerers group up and dont let him control us. We strong, we powerfull!

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How did you beat the 20 characters forum boss??

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Lets not jump to conclusions. Lets validate and test first tonsee if the net effect is a nerf or a wash. The way it is written, hopefully it ends as a wash

Oh, how sweet those tears are. Try playing literally any necro build.
Honestly, there’s no reason splintering should even have a >1500% multiplier from crit damage. The scaling outclasses any other direct damage aspect by default.
Even after the fixes for server stability it’s still an S tier build.

PS: I’m playing lightning spear this season, too. My necro got benched because even blood surge felt awful in infernal hordes.

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Based on what I saw from neutral sources, the net result is more or less the same. I saw Rob facemelting the council in one of his most recent videos.

Not overly concerned.

And the main problem is why do they not said what frequence was and what now? why min dps was is up x2 times, when max not x2? ( im mean on aspect)
They are coocking it on sauce like “Servers lags bc of it”. when u playing a lot and never got lags :slight_smile:

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It seems reasonable to make this change IF its causing lags. Note that throughout the world there are different servers. And performance of those servers can vary based on time of day and location. So while you may not experience a lag, others might at peak usage times.

I was personally experiencing performance issues last night

Maybe its better to fix servers instead of change aspect?
What the reason to hide frequency of aspect?

It gives advantages to devolopers its next updates, fix anything w/o any good info about compare like this aspect, they was able to say all numbers what frequency was and what it now, its also great would be if they it about amulet. What do we have now? we know now only about dmg of aspect, but it will be more clear that if we see for example
dmg was 25-50 and frequence was 4 hits, we changed it to 50-100 and frequence to 2hits, it will be fine and u will be see that they rly aware about patch w/o “hiden changes”.
If we see change like x2 times in frequency less, and dmg buffed like x1.75, its will be 100% nerf,bc buff its not strong as nerf and every1 will understood it as nerf, but they hide it :slight_smile:

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Relax, bud. Aspect is not nerfed - it’s reworked. Confirmed in testing. Less lightning spears flying around but those that do deal twice as much damage.

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This is not how the internet works. Everyone must form a highly dogmatic opinion based on 3rd hand accounts. If you have first hand knowledge of the facts, you are not allowed to join the discussion.

@OP, genuinely and seriously, I hope this causes you to not play the build so that others may enjoy the build with less server lag. Sanctuary needs more Druids and Necromancers right now. After seeing necromancers everywhere last season they seem to have become extinct again.


Hm so making u farm creeps in pit from 2-3mins to 7 mins its not nerf XD

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Well, I don’t know what you’re running but I’ve just flashed through Pit 101 in 1 min and 35 seconds. Tier 7 hordes was actually faster than usual - just 9 minutes.

It was in all seasons, and it how works meta, but when barb was nerfed everyone come and say what u doing, u told that u will “never fix builds in the middle of season.”

Now when its happened again, ppl come and say its fine, “sorc cryins” etc
But now its under sauce of “servers lags” so everyone will eat that

Well, you do you. I’m gonna go and have myself some fun in Tier 7 hordes. Stay safe, mate.

The good example as u can see in how Mekuna played in tier 157 pit, and higher pit and more difference u will see

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My original reply was more for another person, so please keep in context.

To OP, I fault and blame the developers for lots of things. The status of things Pit Boss HP and Stormwell aspect just smells of poor coding hygiene where branches aren’t merged properly. Even the duplication exploit smells as if they reused old cold that didn’t include the last patch of exploit closes and the dupers discovered they could just use an old method.

I genuinely understand the hesitation that a dev team would have with sorc when game balance (what we care about) is secondary to server/hosting stability with millions of players simultaneously overloading the servers with the same action. HOTA at it’s worst from a server performance standpoint was just a single calculation. But an AOE class would also give the person responsible for game performance nightmares.

We say this same thing in season four PTR with dustdevils.

Anyways, is it a lame fix and reason? Probably. Does it change the fact that this is still the most powerful Sorc class has ever been for D4? No.

Yeap, i think and every1 should care about that thing, bc blizzards promised not to fix in middle of season, but now they cooking it under “sauce” of servers lags or etc.
In next times they can do the same, and probable the more nerf and ppl will eat it. Or they just should come out to commonity and say we do bad, and here the proof that we wont nerf it, here what dmg and frequnse was and here what it now, its pretty simple, but they not doing it, they hide unfortenly :frowning:

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i started with surge necro and switch to spear because of single target damage. spear sorc got everything for smooth farming

Yep. Maybe most won’t push to these levels but the devs pretty much said that if you do want to, nobody cares.

And the best part is that I am now seeing more complaints of lag and stuttering than before the so called “hotfix”.

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