Sorc is horrible wtf happened beta was so fun and the game feels ruined to me

I agree. I was super stoked after beta for hydra build(s). Now it just feels terrible and destroyed my excitement.


I play Ice Sorc Lvl 40 and have no problem deleting entire groups with elites in less than 5 seconds.
Only bosses take a bit longer but arent too tough either.
Hardest battle was the butcher so far.

I expected Hydra to get gutted for live but this is really bad. It’s not a fun spec anymore!

Frost meanwhile feels good and makes me feel invincible. I’ll wait for the full circle buff where they make it disgustingly OP again. Classic Blizzard!

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Ice is good. Lit is ok. Hydra is butt


+1 this is true we struggle leveling because bad dmg on other skills lol xdptdr

Definitely a build issue. Played from 1-30 on CL Sorc so far, haven’t had any damage or mana issues.

That, sir, is a complete lie.
Im at about 45 , almost full legendary ( good items ) geared with synergie. Tried chain lightning / arc , fire and ice builds.
Lightning build does okay dmg every like 60 seconds with big CD.
Any other build dosen’t do enough dmg at this level to take the weakest elites down in less than 1-3min. Regular sekeletons take about 2-3 sec of concentraded dmg to kill.
No legendaries, no builds or better items at this lvl change anything about that. It’s not like are items at this level you find that will boost your dmg by 500%

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Thats kinda odd unless you’re playing in a group. I’m not deleting elites but trash mobs arent taking me minutes to kill either at 43.

I feel at some point in leveling having level specific gear is better than legendary synergy…

The point is, multiple skills/builds should be viable and fun. Not just one or two that everyone and his dog is funnelled towards, because that’s what works, and anything else plain sucks.

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Exactly… i am playing Arc lash because most everything else sucks. But I don’t want to be a melee sorcerer.


Arc lash is okay, but like many others, I would have preferred to have a viable spec centered around hydras instead of just using them as a “supporting” spell.

Pretty sure you’re just bad. Sorc has several builds that are some of the strongest leveling specs in game.

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Level 57 sorc. Breezing through nightmare Sigils dungeons few tiers higher than me.

I am at a loss. Either people here are BLATANTLY lying, which really Its beyond me why they would… or I am missing something crucial. I played Beta EXTENSIVELY on the sorc, and this is absolute hot garbage. My lvl.17 can’t kill Vhenard. At all. No builds cant tackle her at this level without hyper-kiting and just dragging the fight HARD to let Blizzard / Hydra / some Shards kill the adds. Its just too much.

This is such a deep disappointment from what Beta (and alpha, I was a tester) was. I don’t understand Blizzard’s overall philosophy across ALL games to nerf down to equalize everything instead of buff up the underperformers to match the good specs.

Its just not fun to play sorcerer. At all.


If you want me to stream share on discord and give you some tips on how to play sorc I would gladly help you out.

I think any class probably hits a wall at 50 if you don’t have a good affix combo to use at that point going into Nightmare. Respecing and playing around with builds also starts to become expensive and tricky since you also have to possibly swap gear around and gear management in D4 is… basic.

I wish they would have buffed umbral for an early game mana option since it’s easy to get the codex version. The codex version is only +1 which isn’t very noticeable. It should at least be 2/3/4/5 instead of 1/2/3/4 so the codex version is more noticeable.

Managing affixes on gear is obnoxious in D4 compared to D3 because you can’t see stat roll ranges easily and the enchant stat roll doesn’t even show you a list of potential affixes. Trying to stack specific stats (like CDR and mana cost reduction) is tedious.

edit: oh, and I did the entire campaign on my Sorc on WT1 this time where in beta I always played on WT2, but I wanted to get through the campaign fast and easy and I knew I wasn’t going to be OP so I just did it on WT1

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The balancing is just terrible…
“Play your way” should mean “You can use the skills that you like”
Regarding this goal… the balance is a 4/10.
Through all classes there are several skills which are MUCH too weak.
For sorceress it’s Hydra, Chain Lightning etc.

Hydra is dead and chain light is weak. So sorc had ice shards and firewall, 2 meta build. Great. Stop defending blizzard at everything I hate fanboys and shills and white knight.

Balance is out of control.

Looks at Wudijo rouge, he kills mobs faster on WT 4 at lvl 60 then my chain sorc at WT1 on lvl 45. Not to mention barbs.

I am not fan of blizzard at all, to put it very softly.

It gets better if you can find the legendary that lets you cast 2 of them.

I feel exactly the same… especially with the shills part. I never in mine life seen it as bad as I have on these forums with Shills. I am serious thinking most of them were paid or AI.