Somewhat endless NMD

Would be cool if they made nmd that would basically be almost endless, with different bosses in them that would give glyph xp after each one defeated and the farther you progress in it the more glyph xp it gives. What would you guys think of something like this? And no not aoz.

So a never ending NMD that randomly spits out bosses for glyph exp. Now do they get progressively harder or is it like a static difficulty? How many deaths are you allowed? Would the sigil cost be more than a normal NMD of the same starting difficulty? Can you exit and go back to town to destroy items?

Figure we might as well go down this rabbit hole.

So Like Endless Staircase in POE? This could work as an ultra rare drop dungeon type. But it would have to have an end somewhere. Maybe after 25 levels and bosses.

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If it is endless I would give it 1 death. Party members can revive like in nmd now.
I would think difficulty would be static and you craft the difficulty you want. Glyph xp would act accordingly.
Sigil cost would be higher. Lets say 2x or 3x.
Once you leave/die you are done. No reentry portal.


1 life per party member is good. I think it has to be rare drop and not craftable or that is all ppl would ever make.

i like the idea of a rare sigil drop there.

in general id ask “what for” on this suggestion. Id rather see more incentives to do nmds, as there are quite a lot scattered arround the open world, waiting to be run.

But yea, as a rare sigil i can see it being a fun thing to happen.

Dungeon fixes are simple.

Give each dungeon an identity and reason for doing it.

Maybe one has more goblins.
Another has increased uber chance.
Another has more uniques in it.

Possibilities are endless.

1 death - then you get kicked out, regardless if you’re in a party or not.


1 death then kicked out

Put the entry on a timer so if you do you need to wait to reenter

Make each level harder based on how quickly you beat the previous level but increase rewards for the increase

Cap it aroind 25ish floors with a guaranteed uber or 2 at the end however floor 25 is level 200 enemies and a boss gauntlet

Maybe not endless, but I was thinking they should have more complex / longer dungeons in addition to the quick ones we have now. There should be more options like this if they’re gonna try to appeal to everybody.

I couldn’t think of something that I’d be less interested in tbh :sweat_smile: However, an alternative could be a mode similar to vampire survivors

I agree it should be limited and a rare drop, the glyph xp would be the reason for wanting to run them not necessarily just for loot unless it is guaranteed to drop more boss parts per boss kill.

I’m sure we can all agree that the current grind for glyph xp is a bit much and needs to be adjusted.

I think this would get more people to interact with one another until a group finder is implemented in the game, which should have happened awhile ago.

People are constantly asking more and more for end game content and a scaling dungeon would be that at least for some. The pits coming are good but more stuff does need to be added for sure to keep people wanting to play more content in the game.

Thanks for your guys input, I hope they read this and one day implement something like these in the future.