Sometimes, reading this forum is like having a stroke

The worst part is how many toe the line between stupid and troll so that you can’t tell which one they are.


I just hope no one at Blizzard is taking them seriously. If this community forum designed a Diablo game it would be the worst game in history.


Just trying to do my part.

Correct this is for you :point_right: :pizza: :beer: :ice_cream: We have a lot of know-it-all’s on the forum.

so asking for a balanced and polished game is considered whining now a days?

smh… some ppl…
havent seen eny feedback that i consider unreasonable to discuss

i do see alot of douchbags and bafoons whine about ppl giving blizzard valid feedback/criticism…

i might have missed some post where ppl ask for outlandish things… but i have been pretty active on the forums and havent seen eny yet…
(EDIT: i dont agree with all the feedback btw but i still find them valid)

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It’s been getting better… slowly but surely.

Open beta weekend was so bad with the trivial whining and trolling though. Hopefully things get even better when Blizzard revokes forum privileges for people that don’t own or pre-order the game. It’s so obvious with so many of the trivial complaints that they either didn’t even play the game or they played it for 10 minutes.


If they enforced this that would remove a lot of the rift raff.

"PLEASE NOTE: A valid Diablo IV key linked to your account is required to post in this category. Additionally, users who troll, harass, or try to incite nonconstructive discourse will be suspended from this forum."


They removed it for the open beta but will bring it back closer to launch I imagine

We can’t all be geniuses like you MarioKart

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The op’s complaint, however, is legitimate.

I have no doubt a lot of the issues have gone away with them reinstating needing to have purchased to post on the pc forums.

Not all, but a lot.


It’s ok Furbolg. I appreciate the effort you put forth trying to attain my level of superior intellect. Here, have a gold star (what simple folk refer to as “likes”)

A lot of times the topic is valid, but the feedback isn’t. For instance, people ranting that Blizzard is “lazy” for not including something when that something is already in the game.


yea that would be kinda couunterproductive… havent seen enything like that tho… got eny examples?

Reasonable people sure do stand out though, don’t they?? Like in all the “Druid is too fat” threads. Man that thread attracts a certain type.

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There’s one just from today calling the devs stupid, with one of his critiques asking why a bunch of conditional damage modifiers (my words) aren’t in the game.

No Diablo game has ever had more conditional damage modifiers on items than D4 will.


haha true, replied to that already.

must admit i didnt read that one… had it said let us have body sliders or something like that it would have been better…

wasent able to find that one… and personally i dont really like conditional dmg modfiers… mostly since some classes has a easyer time applying conditions then others…

Each class has different conditions that they are good at. Fortify kinda sucks on a Necro, but it’s great on a Barb. Barb may benefit a lot from close ranged (melee), but the Sorc benefits from distant enemies.

There are a lot of different damage modifiers in the game, whether it’s based on status effects or skill category or health, etcetera, etcetera.

By contrast, these sorts of modifiers in D3 were pretty dull and you didn’t really build different classes any differently. You loaded up on Crit and stacked your element, except elemental damage was really just flavor and you almost always just picked that flavor based on the rune that did the most damage. Weapons had element types, and outside of a small number of niche cases, there was no reason to even care what that element was.

Delete the bookmark, and dont come back.

You’re welcome.

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