Something going on. Stuck in queue

dont bother re-trying until ~2:30pm pst, about ~25min from now.

read msg ^^ re: maintenance they announced half hour into the maint

Oh great, so with maintenance until 2:30 PST that means no chance of logging in until at least a half hour after that due to login server clogs.

Which time zone? Im in gmt +1, same hour for me?

Whatever your time zone is, the expected end of maint is ~20 min from now (2:30 pm pst)

Don’t blame the messenger, e.g. me, if logins still swamped then. Just repeating what the msg says.

Thanks for the info, its 23.15 for me, thats why I asked XD

P.s.s. They are also presumably pushing the new hotfix 6 & 7 bundles w/ this maintenance.

I say presumably b/c surely not even bliz would do this hour maint then do another later in same day for the posted hotfixes.

It would be good that some message with this kind of info was shown in the game, most console users ure surely just being kicked out without knowing why

The good - there is a msg shown, pretty easy to spot, during opening of launcher at login screen

The bad - they posted this msg half hour into the 1hr maint, so as you said, ppl were kicked, error coded, and prob didn’t know why. Then frustrated even more as relog attempts just put you into queue, wait during queue, then booted again at end of queue.

Another caveat is the login prompt showing this msg far as I know, could be wrong, does not show if you checked the remember me option. I like to retype password each time so always see whatever msg is on login prompt but I assume there are some users set to auto login and there was not a msg, so far, inside the actual launch client (which in fairness they sometimes do put status msg there as well but apparently not for this current maint)

and we keep falling for it every time.

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I fell for it b/c it’s ~15min after end of maintenance hour and still 3min login queue w/ timeout disconnect, repeat loop each attempt.

This calls for a Starbucks frappachino run and hope all is well when I’m back sipping on my mocha goodness

Edit - holy cow Batman, the queue now says 26min, saw timer go up just as getting up to leave for coffee run

Yeah I’m really not a fan of this “mmorpg always online lite” crap they have implemented. If I wanted the server problems WoW constantly faces I’d play WoW…

Suposedly the maintenance should have ended and now it tells me I have a over 73 minutes qeue :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

Followed by cant find license error at end of queue

was stuck on queue with error 300202. Now queues says 71 minutes left

Ok. 77 minutes to join the game. Just waiting until reaching minute 1 and getting kicked out.

At least they just put a message as they ate working on it

I hope so, ~137 minutes left isn’t what I paid for.

For me its been changing the times, jumped from >37 to over 1, then went to 6, then to 24, and so on…

336 minutes in queue. :face_vomiting:

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Now it says I have a 703 minute queue!!!

WTF Blizzard!!!