Some updates for the Diablo IV Anniversary

Hi all

We have been seeing the feedback regarding goblins being pretty stingy. The team is checking on this and we will provide an update on this later this afternoon. We are just cross checking some numbers and wanting to make sure we can provide a proper update.

Separately, we have heard about some confusion regarding Mother’s Blessing. Originally this was planned to go live in a few days, but we absolutely hear the feedback and confusion regarding this so we will be turning on the Mother’s Blessing Event this afternoon at 1:00pm PDT.

We will update the blog accordingly with this information. This will no longer only last 10 days and instead go until June 20 (the end of the anniversary event). We appreciate all the comments and feedback.

We will provide an update on Goblins once we have that later today.

Thank you again!


Mother’s Blessing is now live in the game.

Just want to note that Mother’s Blessing will be 35% XP and 35% Gold for these first few days but will switch to 25% XP and 50% Gold once Patch 1.4.2 ships next week.

This is a bit of a knock-on due to the change in dates but this allows players to take advantage of a longer Mother’s Blessing event now which we agree is better for all players.


An update on Goblins:

Team did additional investigation on our stingy gobbos. We found some items we will be addressing and some more items to buff up. The team needs to put these through testing tonight but we will have a hotfix in the morning to roll this out with notes.