Some requests for VOH

I like what I see. But I do have a few asks.

1.) Can we please get more character slots? I want to play spiritborn but don’t want to have to send one of my characters to the afterlife to do it.

2.) Can we please be allowed the option to put our druids on a diet or exercise program? I love the new cat mount but I’m afraid my druid will break the poor cat’s back if he tries to mount it. It was hard enough for my horses and even they are starting to mutiny. More body type options would be nice, but even if it’s just one option that allows my druid to not look like Jelly Roll stuffed into armor I’d be happy.


Agreed, need more character slots. Also, more dyes.

I would like to put characters into a hall of fame with the gear and build i used so i can look at them in the future.