Some new info and speculation about the upcoming raids posted on WoWhead

Converting boss materials sounds like just some QoL improvements, so no big deal, but it seems like there are purchasable items locked behind the other currency… which doesnt bode well for people who dont want to raid. :confused:

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The raids should have the best gear that you can’t get anywhere else.

Why would I raid I can just buy a set i like with platinum

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My guess for the coin is probably cosmetics like pvp has.

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Oh that would definitely make people happy that they can’t get best gear because they prefer playing solo.


Really wish wowhead wouldn’t keep adding in their speculations. Just give us the facts and leave out any speculation as people tend to take it as gospel and run with it.

We have no idea what the currency will buy and it’s foolish to speculate anything it could buy at this point. Now converting boss mats sounds cool, I’m all for that, but right now they’re just adding to the concerns people have for the expansion.

All I know is Gamescon can’t come soon enough. Misinformation and speculation is far worse then no information.


They want the game to be popular with more than the 20 of you that want to play alone. Raid loot would bring a lot of people to the game. If a few people quit, so be it, I don’t think they care.

To add more speculation but there has been talk that all the content will be soloable. Some of it was in interviews with streamers so it may well stand up.

I suspect that’s what the mercs will be for too. To help solo players do co-op content alone. We’ll find out more in a month or so.

  1. There’s 4 times as many people that play solo than their are that play multiplayer
  2. If 25% of the solo player base leave just so that the MP people can enjoy the game, that’s not a win for Blizz
  3. They’ve already stated that “it won’t be a problem” with regards to solo players and the “co-op dungeon” (there is only 1, and it is NOT a Raid).

It depends on the rewards you get for the currency.
Maybe it’s just cosmetics. Maybe it’s like the curiosity vendor and you can just spend them for random items. Both would be fine in my opinion.

The #1 reason I quit Wow.


Why do you care? All you’ve done is poo-poo D4. Are you or have your purchased VoH? If so, seems like you’re a 100% hypocrite.

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If they scale everything properly I see no issue.

If people group the rewards and challenges should be greater than solo tho.

But seeing how lame pits are in a group I won’t hold my breath.

You quit the most well known raiding MMO because you thought you could get the best gear picking flowers and killing trash?

ROFL wow.

And this is exactly the difference: WoW is a (raiding) MMO - D4 not.
D4 is an ARPG. And Arpg’s are meant to be entirely soloable.

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I was commenting on why that poster quit wow.

I personally think it’s silly to have raids in this game.

How about we make Legion events fun, rewarding, and interesting instead?


I only do Legion now for the bundle herbs. It used to be a good leveling event, but now leveling is faster and more fun in Helltide. I wouldn’t mind if Legion got tougher and offered better rewards. Maybe we could have the Pit 100 boss as the three mini-bosses and the Pit 150 boss at the end. It could work since there are multiple players, and dying isn’t a big deal (unless you’re in Hardcore). The camp fire should boost rewards instead of exp. Full stack of 15 will gurantee the three chests at the end at least one GA gear.

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D4 is a lite-MMO, NOT an ARPG. I bet they’ll add fishing in the next expansion.

I played Wow shortly after it first released. The only MMO I’d played prior to that was City of Heroes. At the time, City of Heroes let players group or solo for almost any mission. There was no gear that required you to be in a group to acquire. None.

When I started Wow, the level cap was 60. There was some group content on the way to 60, but it wasn’t required for progress.

When I got to endgame, I was genuinely surprised that a game that let me solo or group up on the way to the max level, suddenly only allowed for one of those methods to continue developing my character.