Some guidance please

I’m sure this will seem like a silly discussion to some of you seasoned players, but my wife and I decided to give the story a run a few days ago on couch co op. We started and I guess selected “seasonal” characters and the season ended recently apparently. I understand our characters are now “eternal” characters but they leveled to 50 and we got all kinds of items. We would like to continue the story… Are our characters maxed out now? What about weapons? We are very early in the story and could start over but don’t really want to. Just feel like the enjoyment of leveling our characters/weapons was taken away. Any guidance is appreciated.

Last season they added a welcome back boost, in eternal. You can do it once for base game and a second time if you own vessel of hatred. It boosts you to 50, gives you a themed set of gear, and unlocks your lilith statues.

Max character level is 60 and then you have 300 paragon levels to work through.

Your characters can still continue the campaign. They won’t be able to access the new season. If you’d rather level up yourself, you can make new characters. I did the campaign more than once. It’s not a big loss to start over.