Solved: Game softlocked, cannot progress character, The Serpentine Path (Slight Spoiler)

Walking with Neyrelle, she starts a conversation after the second dude can spot the serpent. Then both chars wiggle and teleport away. Cannot progress. Logging out and back in does not help! Scanning Files does not help! Can provide screenshots if needed.
Someone needs to fix this ASAP!
Edit: I also teleportet under the dunes in the desert and couldn’t move!

Here’s the fix: When the quest starts, you don’t go back and around the snake to the left. You continue to go upwards.
Thx @ Betonpilango for figuring it out and posting it!


I’m also stucked at the same place, same level. Everything is same. I speak Neyrelle she says something and when I go north they spot something and speak about a “dear getting trapped” and both of them transported other side of the snake. I’m stucked in front snake. Fix fast pls. Can’t progress game.


Yep same thing happening to me . Npc’s are literally bugged . Teleporting behind the snake and nothing happens . Stucked …
Edit : I found the solution ! Do not go from the top of the snake you have to go from the bottom then the npc will finish the conversation without any problem .


My friend is suffering from the same issue. After “dear getting trapped” nothing happens, one of the NPC bugs inside, and the progression is stuck

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This is also happening to me, when they get to the line of “Dear getting trapped” the NPC’s completely bug out. :frowning:

same for me at 38, tried to relog several times and change world tier

Same is happening to me as well, cannot get it to work at all.

Edit: Figured it out as well. Approach it from the SOUTH side, NOT the North side or you will experience the bugs.

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Same happening for me. Is there any solution yet?

wish people with “fixes” made more sense… this snake is HUGE ASF where are you talking south side and logging in/out doesnt work…

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When starting to follow the serpent, stay on his right side, dont go down and around. Just go up and keep the serpent to your left, you should arrive at a spot where the quest continues

Edit: evidently, this is just for the part between which you start following it and hitting the 2nd part (without spoiling more)


Simple map for you.
If you go down and bypass snake and go from north - then it is bugged.

You need to follow snake immediately to the north and keep him on the left hand. And approach that same place when you spot a bug, but from the south.

Green marks are valid one.
Red one is when you spot a bug.

Map: imgbox com/xmjJ6liq
Bug place: imgbox com/1Q2nO8PT


Whoever designed this quest should be fired.


Same thing. Ones they stuck on an opposite side. Other time I got in the middle through north west and quest won’t trigger the process. Nobody should be fired. Just put a ticket and fix it)

I found something about it , if you going to the wrong side happend that they teleport, just do in a correct way and solved

I’m also having same problem. I cannot play the game cause on this mission if i follow the snake north the NPCs freeze and i can’t use abilities or even teleport away. tried logging out and in. scan and repairing aswell as reinstalling but still same issue. Everytime i try to leave the area aswell it prevents me from travelling anywhere. Please fix. Literally cannot play the game!!!
(As recommended i tried approaching from all different angles aswell as the log in log out glitch near the dungeon entrance but this still does not fix it)

I’m not sure what bugs you guys are getting but, I’m getting the one where after you cut the Snake, the snake should move out of the way so you can pass through, but on my end, the snake didnt move at all.

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I initially followed the snake keeping it on the left (it makes sense to go in the same direction as the snake if you intend to follow it). Followed it until I ended up in a new zone and NPCs despawned; nothing triggered.

So I followed it around the other direction and the NPCs stopped to talk and I kept going. That’s when it broke. One of the NPCs is on the other side of the snake.

I also followed the snake on horseback; could be part of the problem.

This is also happening to me.
For me I followed Lorath and the chick to a spot where they went under the snake (Sinking Detritus) and now it has the yellow marker inside of the area the snake is guarding and I have no way to get to Lorath or re-trigger any part of this quest. I’m completely stuck and have restarted multiple times.
…Seems like this mission is buggy as hell and people are seeing varying things so maybe they should fix/nix it.
BS to grind through 52 levels to get stuck on this and have to create a new character.

Update: Though trying multiple times to ‘come from the bottom’ eventually it did work

is this fixed now? Because I exited this stupid quest at the last saving point right after sneaking under the snake and now Lorath is on the other side and I cannot harm the snake again? So disappointed right now :frowning:

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Pls read some of the tips already provided, there is no glitch. The trick is that the minimap stops showing a path, but you do continue to walk up after the cut scene about following the snake. Don’t improvise and go around the paths shown on the minimap (down and to the left) but just continue upwards where the path on the minimap ends but you continue into the blank areas of the minimap