Solo gamers vs group gamers and why i cant keep playing the game

So i played a bit this season,mostly to see why people complain about the theme.

More or less they are on the right,it feels really flat in general.

So i played a bit started farming some mats for some boss summoning.took my bout half an hour to gather mats for 1 summon,got nothing special,all good,go again. it is an arpg.

Problem started when i spent some time watching some multiplayer videos.good for them and time aside,with the same kills i did to get the mats they summoned the boss 16 times than the 1 time i did.good for them again,smart is good.

In the contrast though,i dont like to party with people cause i wanna go on my pace.Also,i dont like playing with random people in general so solo is my option.but after seeing this there is 0 reason to farm those mats will say,play in your own pace yada yada.while this aint wrong in general,when you know you are wasting your time you dont want to do it till there is a solution for that ill be staying away of the game.

i know this dont touch most of the people,it is too niche.i already expect the meme replies,get good,find friends,cu at next patch etc.none of that is the issue.the game has no catering towards solo players and it is for nothing,there is no positive to this.

till some miracle happens and this changes,i hope you get all the drops you want and gl on gauntlet whenever it comes

Edit #1 : solution to all of this,for me at least,would be ssf leaderboards and ssf in general


Group players have always had an advantage over solo players, welcome to the Diablo franchise.


This is the lamest excuse I think one can come up with for not liking/not wanting to play a game. Of course team play is going to have advantages in any game it’s available. If you don’t want to group up don’t, but don’t complain that it’s unfair.


Almost every game that offers group play has the advantage over a solo player, hands down. I’d be curious to see what, if any, games have given to solo players to give them an advantage. SSF mode in other games don’t offer an advantage over group play, now LE offers an alternative, but I wouldn’t say it’s better over group play, considering how fast groups can get through content in that game.

Now you aren’t the first to ask about this and doubtful you’ll be the last, I’ll just say you’re asking for advantages for solo play in the wrong game. Good luck though.

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PoE. For bossing there is 0 reason to group. Only 1 person has to pay the entrance cost, same as D4. But loot only drops once and not for each individual person.

Having multiple people for bosses just means they are there to help basically. There are no loot benefit or efficiency benefit.

Which is imo superior to D4 where you are practically forced to group 24/7 for bossing.
Group if you want to but its not needed.


You are right, but this community gonna dont understand what you are talking about. They think if they like play in group, there is fair to gain x4 adventage under the player who dont like grouping :wink:


I play solo most of the time now like to take it slow to check my loot


What are you going on about I am a solo player why should I cry if group players have and “advantage.”


Noone force you to cry about this. But game have to be balanced for all kind of players. If blizzard give to one group 4xtimes better drop rate, and balance the game on grouping, solo player always gonna be far away behind the meta. If you think it is ok, i can tell you only one think. You are wrong.


I 100% agree that the amount of loot you get should not be influenced by group vs solo play.

Some people are actually against what I wrote (have written so in this forum) because they are for group play and what we have in the game currently incentives it.


We had this discussion on the D3 forum several times. The group players have a major advantage over solo players. One suggestion was to let the solo players have all 3 of the followers active all the time. Blizzard never implemented that. As a solo player I generally do not care what group players are doing, how does it effect me? The discussion can be entertaining.

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I am convinced also that having to go through “hoops” aka having to find people to group everytime you wanna farm bosses adds to the tediousness of it.

If you could just play normally and do 2-3 boss runs here and there at your own leisure, it would be more fun.
You also cant “test” your build or see any progression because you will always be with 3 others when doing bosses unless you want to waste mats of course and thus your own damage just get muddled in with the others.


Your math is wrong. I’am not your daddy and it is no my duty to teach you how it works in real world but i’am gonna do that. Example: If you paint house in 4 days in 1 person you get 1k dollars=250 dollars per day. If you paint it in group of 4 ppl in one day, this group still get 1k dollars for their job. 250 dollars per 1 person. It is still 250 dollars per day for one ppl. Now you see the problem?


This. This is a good reason to not give an advantage to group play.

My solution: get rid of the need to acquire tickets to the show. No mats needed just to fight a boss. The door to the instance is open and the only cost is perhaps a minimum level.

becauce they work 4 times harder then a group

16x advantage is insanity.


And if you think that this is no effect to solo players you are still wrong. The game gonna get ladderboards, and solo enjoyers are automaticaly out of the meta in this case, cause there is no separate ladderboards for solo and group. Second problem is on the drop rate balance. You can’t do proper drop rate balance if you give 4x times better drop rate only to one grouop.

Im lvl 95 solo this game since season started only better xp in group play

not better drop rates

Yep, as a SSF player I’m pretty much checked out for the season. Ran Duriel enough to get the season journey and wont bother again. Ran the loom a few times because it’s new but I’m certainly not going to bother farming it for the ubers.

And why do I care about what group players are doing? Well I don’t really. What I care about is the drop rates for the items. Which is very much effected by the rate at which group players can complete content. Why do you group people care so much about what us solo players are doing. How exactly does solo players being on a fair playing field hurt you in any way?