Sodden effigy in Dank hollow unkillable

I was doing the side quest that leads you to the Dank hollow in Scosglen and tells you to kill the Sodden effigy. I don’t know what triggered it or did the quest even count but now I have the Sodden effigy stuck on full hp not doing anything and when I try to damage it nothing happens. HP doesn’t go down, nothing spawns.

I believe it didn’t count towards the sidequest area completion since I am stuck on 45/47 and can’t seem to find any other quests even with the help of multiple guides.


I’m in the SAME boat EXACTLY. 45/47 gone through the entire quest list, nothing missed as far as I can see, and Mithering Descent is still blue.



Can we get some info if it’s gonna be fixed ?

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Yeah… I double backed through the Dungeon, I did miss a monster or two…

I Killed them and went back to Sodden Effigy, Corpus of the Wight.
The elite is just stuck on the tree tied up, not taking any damage… calling some coder to fix this code please.


No answer yet? I’m lvl 61 and trying to kill the Sodden Effigy, but it’s immortal.


I have this bug as well. Can’t kill it.


Same problem here. Anyone found solution?

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Same problem. Blue quest for the dungeon. Effigy is unkillable. Level 86


Same issue here, Blizzard please fix!


Same issue here, the Sodden effigy can´t be killed!

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Same issue, 46/47 side quests done. Mithering Descent is still blue and i don’t know if this bugged mission is the last one i need to complete all side quests. Lvl 59 atm.


Same issue as above.

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Same issue here for me

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same issue for me guys

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bump, just ran into this… it takes no damage…

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I have the same bug; the minions will reset but the Sodden Effigy at the end of the dungeon cannot be destroyed. It’s frustrating.

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Same issue here. Sodden Effigy cannot be destroyed.


Same issue, confirmed cannot be destroyed.

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Same here. Very annoying having this blue dungeon icon on my map all the time. Please fix or give some kind of response on this. Thanks :+1:

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same bug, replying for bump

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