So you have to use a meta build to finish the last part of the season?

So why did they put everything in the last part of the season journey behind torment 4? I thought the creators said torment 1 was endgame? I cant get my bird unless i roll a non sorceror. This is dumb.


You still have a lot of time left in the season keep working at it or ask someone for help. I am sure Nyurei, Iggi or Lazyloaf would help you.

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multiple sorc builds are very capable of clearing t4 no problem btw.

just keep grinding, you will get there!


Not necessarily meta builds. But neckbeard players. If you feel a build or skill you like to use is underpowered, post about it. Let Blizzard know. There will be a mid season patch relatively soon.

Blizzard in the next season may give you some busted OP mechanic to “fix” your build. You may be the lucky one in season 8! They only have enough mental power to buff 1 thing headed into a season! Bless yer lucky charms if it’s a thing you like to use!

did the whole thing on sorc :wink:

but also had some mythics to help :sweat_smile:

you don’t need a meta build to do it… but T4 is soooo stupidly spongey that you might as well. and with the whole gambling and RNG on top of RNG that affects some other RNG with build in RNG your whole season could be spent just finding the BiS items…

and if all else fails… ask for help :wink: there’ll probably be some bloodwave necro who’ll delete everything for you :muscle:

also forgot to mention that you should have your tempers ready, masterworked everything and have pretty much BiS for your build with enough GA’s to boost your damage. and then there’s the witchpowers too

Yeah it really suck that blizz did that. Definitely has soured a pretty good season for me. More frustration than fun at this point. Not everyone wants to use a guide, if you have a cohesive build we should be able to get the final reward. If they lock it next season ill probably skip it.

Yes it was a dumb decision to tie Torment 4 to the seasonal journey.

But no you can get to Torment 4 without a meta build. I made my own build.

The key I think is to make sure you are doing pit before also. Don’t just leave leveling glyphs for later. If your glyphs are around 50-55 you should have no issue getting to Torment 4, of course you can do it sooner if your build can handle it. Also MW to at least 8/12 if you can.

The resistance will be hard to meet, armor should be easy. But pieces like Yen’s Blessing or Rakanoths Wake can give you a lot of resitance, especially if it is the GA item, or TM if you are lucky. The rest you will have to get through your paragon and gems, it can be done without those uniques, but the uniques open up the jewel spots for the witch orbs.

Yeah they say things that have no value. And honestly once in T4 the game feels more dull and repetitive than ever. No real reason for the majority of players to continue playing.

Sorc Main here every season, and in every game. (I start with Hydra, wish they gave more love to them instead of lightning spear and Ice Blades, fed up with them)

Not sure what is your build and main skill, but I finished the season…

I stopped playing and now I read S7 ends in April 15, give PTR time, and my Fun will be back in May, such nonsense.

If I come back here and read your post, I’ll try to help you out.

But for now, T1-T2 should be easy for you. You should then be able to kill Lilith (1 Spark) and completed one season’s witchcraft to give you another spark.

Granted, you might not have 6 Bac Runes or Eom, but as I did for my first 2, I gambled them on the Blacksmith.

I got Shako but only recently got Shroud.

Still, you can make it to T4 if sadly, as I hate it myself: Pit to lvl up your glyph to at least 15, and up to 46.

Don’t forget to do hordes, get plenty of obducite and masterwork your gear (hopefully 1GA 800 Item Lvl) to rank 12/12, don’t care too much about the results.

That should help you get past the Pit lvl 65 (T4)

Good luck.

What’s “Meta” though?
Knowledge of mechanics and maximization of said mechanics.
It’s not some deeply buried obscure text buried deep in the vaults of the Vatican.

If you know How the Game Works, you’ll know what…works and…what doesn’t.

Build accordingly.
No need to follow any content creators or copy/paste anything.
All roads will lead to the same conclusion - this is a fixed system and environment after all.

Now, if one wishes to cob together some random blind dart :dart: throwing build then so be it.
1 in a million might do well.
But math and knowledge will prevail.

I’m not defending the current system - it’s hugely imbalanced with limited options and is certainly driven by psychological consultants and analytics that state “Players want dictated builds”.
Screw that.

What I’m saying is -

  1. A Build MUST be coherent, legible and accountable to Where the Game stands at Any Given Moment (often Seasons are that moment)
  2. The “Rules” are laid out clearly and are available to all with eyes to see and a mind to capitalize and succeed with and within.

This isn’t some conspiracy.
This is a fixed and static system and it’s up to the user to recognize what works and what does not.

Play or do whatever you want - if you don’t follow the simple rules, then it’s on you.

Again - I’m NOT agreeing with it, just acknowledging How It Works.


Im fine with T4 being the final hurdle. My issue is with WHAT they are asking us to do in T4. No bosses of any kind. Everything is about speed running and timers.

Clear pit 75 with five minutes remaining

Kill 250 demons in helltides AFTER max threat but BEFORE hellborne show up

Pop 25 cocoons in 15 minutes in bloodtides

Who in the world thought up these stupid objectives? Ive done the pit 75 with no problem(completed with 8 min remaining), but those last two dont seem possible without a group. Ive ran both tides from the time they open to the time they close, slaughter everything with ease and cant do what they are asking in the time allotted.


I play alone. I had to force myself to play with a “fake online friend” to get some.

The 25 cocoons, the best place to do is in dry steppes.

The effing 250 before Hellborne, I got 249 on my Blood Surge Necro… effers.

Since that’s my last one to get the Agent, Cover “hidden titles” I just don’t care for now to try it again.

Oh! and make sure to get close to activate the hellborne timer, and activate a (what are they called) SoulSpire, I’ve tried both and the one that got me to 249 is the one that siphon your life, not the one that has explosions.

Hope that helps!

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Thanks for this thread. I was only playing to try to get my bird. It doesn’t sound easy for you guys, let alone me who’s half as sing it through the season lol.

Looks like i can stop wasting my time.

Im a sorcerer, I have 3 build that can do T4 ez.

They are possible and yet they’re totally silly too.

It’s nothing but a "Heya sry gotta use a gogoggo fast build because, we’re admitting that’s what the game has become and where it’s going moving forward. Therefore we’re aligning objectives accordingly ".

They’re just indicative of the state of the game and sign of the times.
You’ll ofc get hit with " splutter spray there(they’re) so ez scoff "

The game has already devolved into nonthreatening enemies, no threat crowd control, blaster town is lava metas, dev dictated build schemes based on some fotm psychobabble analytics…

If people can see this clearly then it might be time for them to make the tough decision - is this game for me? Is modern gaming for me? Should I quit my idiotic addiction and move on with something more meaningful?

The game might get "better " in some ways but it’s only getting worse in the overall sense. :baby_bottle: gaming at its finest.

One should not need to party for the season journey. They’re doing this to force gameplay metrics to “show” players “like” partying when most do not. The T4 requirements are absurd since only those meta builds can handle T4 and most others are T3 at best, with a lot being almost hard locked to T2 because they scale so abysmally.

One thing that would really go a long way toward being able to better balance the classes is to eliminate the “champion” mobs that give nearby mobs the damage reduction shield. That alone is why single target builds suck massively - you need AoE to even hit the champion mobs that are surrounded by shield buffed mobs that you have to to into the middle of to target the champions. If you want an idea of just how much of a crutch that shield is for the developers that are doing the balancing, all of the season mobs have shields this time around (these aren’t damage reduction shields, just literal shields like the players get from skills/affixes).

Balance is abysmal in D4. :frowning:

This coming from the same people who said expansions every year, the armory works, Mendeln was fixed with the patch and a classic Diablo game would not be successful.

It is so bad I don’t even bother to pay any attention to what they say. They are as bad as career politicians.


There is no META system in D4!

Most Efficient Team Attack - exists in D3 when you have Monk for healing, barb for gathering, and other third class for killing. Also is fourth character in team for killing boss.

Yes D3 is great game.

Did all the season journey objectives with my Shadow Clone Flurry rogue with Inner Sight.

If you understand how the game actually works you can optimize your characters without resorting to meta builds.

In a well balanced and bug free game, yes your answer is correct.

In this case it is more, due to intentional dev class imbalance, exploits, and non intended interactions.

Those tasks are trying to ensure you play T4 for a bit before stopping when you realize it is just repetitive with even less to do than T3.