So, who likes what they see in the patch notes?

Well, the enchanting cost is perfectly fine.

But yeah, stash space is a big problem, so is the lack of any search and filter functionality.

There are essentially nothing ever that is universally agreed upon.

If they were trying to purposefully destroy the game and lose their player base, they couldn’t have designed a more effective patch.


After reading those notes I’m wondering why I even bothered keeping the game installed, let alone keep playing.

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i quit like a month ago. i’ve been waiting for the s1 patch notes since then and i knew it wouldnt be good. but holy shöt. im out, good luck for the rest

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agree, all this does for me is nerf my desire to make any alts. It just tries to artificially extend the life of the season by making leveling take longer, without adding any new content.

But what hurts even more is it’s against the whole premise of ARPGs: make a strong build to fight harder content, because that harder content has more rewards i.e. XP and loot. What’s my incentive to fight harder content if the XP gain is negligible and the loot isn’t any better?

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Enchanting cost is perfectly fine? According to you, it’s fine to have 20+ options and the cost gets unreasonable after 10 tries. If you think spending hours farming gold to get an extra attempt at a <5% roll then you are cooked. Doesn’t even take into account the range of rolls said mod can roll.


They are trying to squish power and increase danger

Both of these things are fine.

The problem is, there is no fresh content to replay on to where you feel like you are playing a good experience because of the stats nerfs.

So now you go out to a sigil dungeon and you feel overall weaker, it takes a bit longer and you take a (noticable) amount more damage, but there is no reward because the loot is either meaningless to you at this point or you are hyper focused on a specific drop. There is no sense of purpose to the actions, and now the actions are worse.

Which means everything about your experience today was worse than it was yesterday, and the experience itself hasn’t been super great to begin with.

S1 will do little to resolve this, since malignant dungeons are the same type of content as Sigil dungeons, meaning the content loop you feel bad about today doesn’t change either.

The copium is the D4 team starts to implement a lot more purposeful content to do each day, I don’t think I’d ever do a S2+ if S1 is just sigil dungeons until my eyes explode.

I think lack of stash space, horse issues, no search bars are pretty much universally desired to be fixed, among other things. Pointing to an insignificant % of the player base who don’t care is a bad argument.

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if by less casuals you mean never seeing anybody in game then you’re correct.

It was already dead these moronic patch notes just put D4 to sleep.

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My flavor of necro got some small buffs, so it’s not all doom and gloom. I always viewed my golem as an unstoppable killing machine, but now he’s literally unstoppable when I activate him.

Yes, that is very fine.
You are not supposed to farm gold to keep rerolling. The idea clearly is to encourage people to find new items to reroll on, ensuring that finding new items keep staying relevant, instead of just rerolling the same one item you found a long time ago. That is good design.
Since people want to farm gold to keep rerolling, maybe the cost is actually too low.

The boring design solution could also be to simply only allow 10 rerolls per item, but having a scaling cost seems smarter tbh. If someone really want to keep rerolling one more time, they can, at a cost.

The game should show which affixes you can get.
They should fix it so reroll cost is not based on the item rarity, that is just stupid.
And they should fix the issue where you keep getting the same roll over and over on some items. That is really bad.
Could also be fine if we got 3 affixes to choose from in each roll, albeit, the cost should go up even more per roll to compensate.

I have seen plenty of people argue that more stash space is not needed, all the way from D2, to D3 and now D4. But yeah, imo, it is a major problem.

Imagine having an issue with Casuals just because they don’t play the same way you do.
It’s a game ffs Everyone should be able to play the way they want without other people whining because they don’t play their way.

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I disagree. Getting the right amulet and ring rolls are already hard. Especially amulets. Finding another one with 3 of those 4 stats might never come again the rest of the season.

I’m fine with there being an increase in price to prevent spamming, but it is overpriced. If the goal is to not be able to reliably craft an item why have the option to begin with?

D4’s crafting is effectively this: you can reroll 1 mod and you can choose what leggo power the item gets. Pathetic.

As a minion-based necromancer, those specific changes have made for a better experience for me. I do less personal damage, but my minions make up for it, and the live longer now. I think I only lost one skele this whole evening.

The rest, though, looks like absolute garbage. Though, I can’t personally say, as I don’t play any other class, and haven’t tested the open world, whispers, or helltides yet.

Main D4 sub or is there a meme centric subreddit for D4?

Main, dunno if there’s a dedicated D4 Meme Sub^^

I like it, if only for shared statues and map across my account and the bugfixes.

I am also disappointed as minion builds seem really weak and we’re hardly buffed.

I am a VERY casual and strictly single player so anything involving end-game or multiplayer does not touch me at all.
Therefore I can understand my feelings are way different then other players. Still, I think there are a lot of players like me…

If this is correct I think me and my wife will return to D3 for easy leisure and play D4 when we’re really up to it (she has a disease which makes her tire easily). We have had quite some problems before this in our couch co-op because the monsters were all super-healthy in MP already. :-/

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