So, what IS the ideal endgame?

I hate being annoying to bring up other games

But an amazing thing about Division 2 is that you can select a singular target brand or loot type for your activity to have the drops be of that “type” or “brand”

I know that if they implemented a loot and optimization system like Div2 has would basically destroy their “keep the addicts playing and item chasing” scumscam

But that games loot and opti system is so so so good and enjoyable

I still constantly play the game and have fun.

I know it’s not an ARPG game style
But the loot systems are very similar and I strongly believe that the devs could learn from it


That is a great way to think. Personally my end game is simple:

Cap the level requirement on ancestral gear to 60. Ancestral gear should never require level 100. Cap sacred gear to level requirement 40.

Allow a max level character to turn off targeted item drops.

Perfect! All set! I can now use my very strong character that a lot of work and gold went into creating to farm items to trade and fund Alts.

Endgame problem solved. That easy. There’s a reason why people play Diablo 2 despite there being no endgame. You can farm items on your level 99 character. Can’t really do that on a level 100 character on Diablo 4, unless it’s an absolutely GG item like 2 devouring blaze 2 defensive skills CDR amulet. Other than that, people see it’s level 100, and they’re not interested.

Alternatively, if they aren’t interested in you trading, be honest about it instead of making it garbage, disable trading and put in a new WT with stronger items from 80-100. Ensure that only scared drop in WT3, only ancestral drops in WT4, and only the new item drops in WT5. No normal, sacred or ancestral items that I Insta delete in WT5.


End game stuff:

Needs a form of auction house.

Raids for 4/8/12/24 players with exciting bosses and mechanics like Lost Ark.
Group Finder for all the different activities.
Challenges such as beat fifty waves of mobs / bosses without die.
Replay of campaign bosses and more challenging bosses like Uber Lilith.

Arenas 1vs1, 4vs4, teams, etc.
Clan Wars
Objetive based PVP (Deathmatch, Cap the flag, etc.)

Fluffy Stuff
More cosmetics/collectables.
Personal stronghold, trophy decorations.
Clan halls.

Yeah, I get it, too much group content, game should be played solo. Blizzard already has an answer for that, it’s online and shared world. Might as well implement it correctly. Go full MMORPG.

I have players in the world that lag me by their mere approach but no group finder to make it easier to do dungeons. I’m forced to be online to play the game and have the servers working but if HC character die Blizzard doesn’t care. I must deal with other players in the game but that is not always helpful and I can’t play offline solo. Game is schizophrenic. Go FULL ONLINE FEATURES or go home.


Rift > Greater Rift Loop, loved it in D3 and would like it in D4 aswell, perfect loop. :beers:


Right now, endgame consists of the following:

  • Nightmare Dungeons
  • Tree of Whispers (Bounties)
  • Helltides
  • World Bosses

I’d like to see them utilize the open world more. I don’t have an “ideal” endgame, but I would like to see the following changes made to the overall state of the game:

  • XP gain increased from 100% to 250% for World Tier 3
  • XP gain increased from 200% to 500% for World Tier 4.
  • Increased mob density in the Overworld
  • Roaming Boss-type mobs in the Overworld
  • Mobs continue to scale with the player, but without scaling damage reduction.
  • Uniques drop between Levels 60 and 100, how frequently they drop will be determined by RNG. Super Uniques are included under this umbrella.
  • Affix rerolling cost starts at 25,000 and increases by 25,000 for each reroll.
  • All herbs within Helltide zones are converted to Fiend Rose.
  • World Boss events occur every 3 hours and can overlap with Helltides
  • World Tier 3 eliminates all White and Blue loot, reducing the drop pool to Rare, Legendary, Uniques, and Sacreds (If Ancestral can drop on WT3, that will also be included)
  • World Tier 4 takes it a step further and eliminates standard Rares and Legendaries (Standard as in non-Sacred/Ancestral)
  • Minimum item level for WT3 changed to 50
  • Minimum item level for WT4 changed to 70

I think that about covers everything.


for me a simple solution were to somehow

i know somehow is a good explanation right?

so, somehow make it viable to farm stuff for lower leveled characters with my high levled farmer.

what i mean by this
i got a level 76 druid, which had no luck getting a tempest roar. to the point i was 2nd guessing IF i even wanted to play on like that.

  • transition to D2/PoE/Last Epoch
    use my high leveled char and farm gear for a new char

Even if trading remains disabled for uniques(which i despise) then i could just gather gear for a 2nd char.
so i wouldnt start at 0 with no gear but i would be able to blast through the lower levels due to “nice” gear.

this way i could justify playing other classes. in the end i would also like to find uniques for other classes because having barb weapons drop as druid was as first a bummer but then. i was seing it as the positive things it has always been.
i could start a barb and have some kind of nice weapon for starters.

but then it hit me, the weapon was lvl 74required.
so that lost me all motivation to play on.

can’t trade for gear (ok i understand)
can’t find gear myself for sidechars (why?)
even if you say, yeah you can find gear. then why is it lvlrestricted to my current level.

if we take this to the extreme, once im 100 everything is levelreq 100. and im not gonna grind perfect gear for a sorc only to find out at lvl 100 i dont like sorc.

i wanna go in t1 and slay lvl 10 enemies for a good rare weapon and then lvl 20 and lvl 30 and so on and so forth.
why shouldn’t i be able to do that?

people defend this like mad saying looting gear yourself is THE game and my argument of looting gear for lower level characters is invalidated by that how?

i dont know.

endgame for me is starting a new character and finding items for this character thus starting the cycle anew. getting a rare(not yellow rare but an unusual item like a unique, like rare. maybe shaco or so) item and then building a character arround this rare item


I love diablo.
I have what I think are some great ideas to build the Ip.
But I don’t work for free.

Give me a call Blizzard, ill set you up for years.

Endgame is endgame. If you’ve played D2/D2R you know this means we’ll suffer through anything. It matters not how dull or mindless it is. It’s just what we do. Why is this so difficult to understand??

  • PvP arena with modes for up to 4v4 tvt and then 1v1 etc. A monthly leaderboard with wins/losses +/-5 levels to player
  • A leaderboard for fastest time on every dungeon normal mode
  • A leaderboard for fastest time on every NM dungeon lvl 100
  • A constant eye from Devs side to keep trade viable, like now where its part of the game but not mandatory for ssf people

Overall spreading out the world making it interesting with different things being sought in different areas, not like D3 where you are forced to farm keys and whatever, or helltides in d4. More like D2 where gold is good in trav, xp is best in baal but good in other places, mf for every item is a5 only, mf droprate better for shako etc in meph, cows for white items and ofc a combo-route for a few different stops before doing “new game”.

What follows from that is build diversity. So more concrete:

  • more mobs in open world and more gold drop or mat drop. Just something that is higher there
  • more ancestral rares in normal dungeons than elsewhere
  • Massively higher droprate for shako etc in NM 80+ BUT they can only drop there
  • More Unique drops in NM dungeons, but lower ancestral rares meaning you can get the GG Uniques but you will get less nice rares

Basically everything drop (except gg uniques) everywhere but there are better places for each individually which also means there can be different builds for each thing, like a leapbarb doing open world content, a barb that would be garbage if he tried anything above nm40.

As I wrote before, helltides being the only place for one specific item is not the same thing, that is a forced gameplay.

Overall for a aarpg ONLINE only multiplayer game I would like to see things implemented towards that - Online multiplayer.

Last note : Im not a fan of the D3 mechanics I prefer D2, but Im OK with them. I see D4 as an open world D3 and I think its really good.

If I were to see the things implemented I liked I would be thrilled. Hoping for a few of them.

OP Asked for ideas or what people want to see as endgame.
Not further complaints and empty cryarounds.

Off the top of my head:

  • An endless dungeon that’s procedurally generated and gets increasingly difficult the deeper you go. Bonus points if going deeper leaves a darker stain that turns you into a beacon for a new threat in Sanctuary. Hard to explain, but I intend to make a thread about that…

  • Strongholds converted into contested territory where players clear them out, humanity taking them over and turning them into cities, but can be attacked and lost…forcing players to periodically defend them, bolster defenses, engage in various little amassing events around the area to whittle down the number of threats, etc.

  • Gladiatorial combat in an arena. Unlike the current PVP zones, this arena would be for the sport of combat…as mages will port you out at the brink of death, meaning that Hardcore players could engage in such without risk to their character.

  • Sadly, the story didn’t allow for us to choose between Inarius and Lilith, otherwise the entire PVP system could have been overhauled into a faction-based system where players were gathering territory for Divine Daddy or Malice Mommy, providing us with all sorts of potential PVP types and creating something similar to the idea above, in regards to Strongholds, but taken in the name of the patron we aligned with…and then attacked by the opposing force. With some creative writing, the story could have been augmented with that final war in the Burning Hells ultimately ending in an uneasy union between Lilith and Inarius’ forces, along with those of us whom chose to side with whomever…turning our combined might against the Prime Evils and then going our separate ways on Sanctuary…leading into late-game PVP with the two forces entering into territorial skirmishes across Sanctuary in zones specifically designed for such.

  • The introduction of fishing. The moment I got to Marowen, I adored that quaint little fishing village and just imagined the fun of a small little fishing mini-game that could provide you with special potion ingredients in the form of sea creatures, and even potentially special unique loot found only through the dark depths of Sanctuary’s waters. Bonus points if you could pay gold to go onto a fishing boat in the various fishing cities and go deep-sea fishing, with the risk of some various dangerous events out on the open waters… Not really end-game, but…something you could do end-game, heh.


I like these idea’s.

Although I see the fishing more as a true mmo idea … the idea of having small goals to work towards is a very good one. Back when I used to play wow, I equally had fun in completing side tasks as levelling professions and gaining achievements from it, as much as doing the main game.

After all, what are games, but giant dopamine inducers. So the more of these small targets you put in, the more people will have fun chasing those dopamine hits.
An endless dungeon could be good for this … a new deeper level is a new dopamine hit. A new achievement, a new goal to reach

And for those who strive for build perfection and speed, they could speed run it all they want and have ladders to keep track of that. Who can get the farthest, who can do it the fastest, who does it the first each season and so on … This would mean, that that endless dungeon would need to have a fixed layout, but finding optimal paths through that, is again a big thing for those elite players amongst us.

there are so many possibilities.

There could be a lot of things for ideal endgame, for instance

  1. Endless dungeon type content, where progressive floors get harder and harder
  2. More pinnacle bosses with special rewards
  3. Some type of a balanced PVP arena, 1v1s, 2v2s, etc. To balance maybe they could have you pick from a variety of skills / gear loadouts
  4. Some type of open-world portal to hell where you fight waves of enemies for increased rewards

Something like that.

Developers made it very clean prior to launch, that they don’t intend D4 “endgame” to be lasting forever, there is an end. You will eventually hit it and are expected to just make a new character. It’s was very clear and it makes total sense to me.

The exact same way I spent it here. Almost everyone agrees that 50-70 largely feels pretty great outside of the jarring jump from WT3 to WT4 when you go there around 60 or so. You spend 60-70ish getting all the ancestral items. Upgrading gear again, it feels good.

All I want after that is the exact same thing I have now, except I want the D2-style unique hunt added into the ACTUAL endgame (The point between all ancestral gear and max level). And I mean an ACTUAL hunt with drops that ACTUALLY exist. Retune the rare uniques, make them incredibly game breaking to the point that they replace anything in that slot regardless of aspect and roll. Give them reasonable (but still rare drop rates). I should feel every time I finish a NM dungeon that “this could be the one”.

It would be 3ish weeks of leveling and getting into endgame. Another 2-3 weeks of farming up one of these incredibly broken items and getting decent gear together, and another 3 weeks of solid NM dungeon pushing. Right when I finish this loop, they announce the next season, and we do it all over again with a new class.

my endgame of Diablo 4 is playing something else.


Beating Uber Lilith is the endgame… The problem is not that, the problem is a few phase/s before that :stuck_out_tongue:

The ideal would be to create a challenge for every build/class/skillset and reward accordingly when someone beats it (not talking just about loot, talking about XP as well), that is what the ideal thing would be - slow down progress and punish “greedy” builds but keep XP gain

The goal should be to fix the problem, not mask it with the same thing with another layer

Just apply like everyone has to do for a job. They have a career page somewhere where you can drop your CV.

No one in these forums could work for Blizzard because all of us, regardless of whether or not we agree with each other here in the forums, would be bickering with Corporate on time constraints DAILY. We would all be fired within the first week of being hired, heh.

I like when a game has lot of replayability and feel endless. So a good end-game is when you feel you can still progress, improve something and see something new. For what I’ve read, people complains that after level 80, they don’t have the feeling they can improve their character and they do always the same thing.
So it should be great to have maybe some über skills, for those levels, and some dedicated content for them too. I don’t know, some dungeons full of bosses for example, or some hidden maps, even some auras or something that will pleased them, whatever, something that will make those levels interesting and fun to play.