All I heard from the stream “We hear you and we are discussing this issue”. But no words being said about how they are going to solve this and when. In fact, with S1 new items, aspects and sockets colors, stash space issue will grow even more. How Blizz don’t understand that? That is disaster to not have a proper stash management system in 2023 ARPG game.
20 characters btw
But you are going to buy the battle pass right? You can get them by completing it!
It sounds like this is a high priority fix for them. If you can’t wait for them to fix it, yeah it’s a problem, but I like that they are finding ways to fix it ASAP.
Of course they know it’s an “issue”. They are just biding their time to “solve” the issue with monetization.
Stop hoarding lol. You really dont need all that crap.
I remember I used to hoard too. Trust me, just free yourself of the burden.
Salvage it bro. Just… just salvage. Let it go.
If its not on your character, its probably not good enough. You have space to keep a few aspects for future upgrades.
Just salvage it man. Release.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Salvage it.
Breathe in. Breathe out.
Release it. Consume them all. Collect your veiled crystals.
Relax. Clear your mind. Clear your stash. You are free now.
I don’t believe it is so hard to add search and 3-4 more stash tabs, add few more rows in consumables and aspects in the hero inventory. That is literally 1 week work for a solo developer if he works 2hrs a day.
They are just not part of seasonal content, same as class balance. These changes can appear at any time.
They clearly said they were there to discuss season 1, although they did say they were readig and discussing issues brought up by the community.
I don’t think you seem to understand what ASAP means.
Are you a game programmer? If it were easy, would probably be done by now. Does seem like the game should be programmed to at least add more stash tabs, but who knows. Agree its not ideal, but not going to cry it’s not happening tomorrow.
This isn’t a technical limation. They already know how to make stash tabs.
They only plausible explanation is they are internally debating on how they are going to monetize the stash tabs and intentionally delaying it until people are so defeated they just give up and swipe.
If I based the assumption they are limited by programmer time and QAQC, then yes I do know what it means. Is it possible they are not being truthful about how much they are prioritizing this fix, sure, but based on the livestream, he used the word “quickly” and “lots of discussion” regarding stash space, so I’m inferring that it is a top priority.
I am programmer, i see similar patterns which are not hard to implement using what already exists, and we already seen some custom stash search feature made by players.
The only “top priority” is figuring out how to monetize it with as little backlash as possible.
I’m hoping it’s addressed with today’s patch. They didn’t say anything about it other than they were dropping another gameplay fix patch
There is a huge difference between totally ignoring major issues and recognising them and working towards a solution.
Expecting all the issues to get solved, irrespective of it you feel they could have been in the past, three weeks before season 1 is unrealistic.
Does it annoy me we have to wait for some features that should already be in the game YES. Do I feel better that they are at least now officially recognised and being worked on YES.
I am not defending Blizz here just recognising that only so much is possible within the window before season 1 goes live.
AND getting even more crap to take up the space. Since there are multiple colors for sockets, better hang onto all the options so you can then spend 18 mil gold to redo your whole character…honestly I doubt they even play this game.
so disappointed with this game. They haven’t learned ANYTHING from previous games.
A game designed around collecting gear and you’re defending the lack of available space to store it. I can see where you’re coming from, but does it hurt you personally, or you gameplay if others were hording?
I think the backlash from the community would outweigh the monetary game. I can see them monetizing more space in the future, but they need to add an in game way of earning them. I think they will add more space for free before monetizing additional space because it’s really limited right now, especially if you want to play many characters.
I am genuinely flabbergasted. And they can’t afford to procrastinate on this any further because the stash can’t remain in its current state much longer. Once season 1 ends and the seasonal realm is merged with the eternal there isn’t going to be enough room for both stashes and people will freak when they lose their stuff.