So is this the diablo we wanted?

ye but it make the hole thing look stupid

Like D3, D4 is completely missing the continuity from D1/2. The music, the affixes, the godly uniques, the font, the stat mechanics, the follower, runes, ethereal, pretty much anything and everything that made D1/2 the standard bar. Take away Diablo from the D4 title and you have a completely generic indie ARPG. Blizzard said they would bring back the classic Diablo experience and they have 150% failed.


Personally, I would have to say that my initial impression of this game is less than stellar. I mean, this beta is supposedly an entire act of the game and the majority of the content is obviously material from Diablo III that has been “remastered.” So, I can certainly see plenty of validation in the opinions of others who see this as simply being Diablo 3.5 with microtransactions. Will I play this game at launch? Sure, I already paid for it. Will I play it for years to come or help fund the further development of it? If this beta is a sign of things to come, then absolutely not.

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There are uniques, probably godly(hope so) runes are coming, there are some variation of items that maybe are like ethereal(sacred and something else)
but this is a god damn beta, with 2 world tiers, 1 act and lvl 25 cap…

Items shouldn’t be the fix to everything though

Personally I’m kinda hopeful but also afraid that they might go that route you’re suggesting

What they really need to do is like add up a few more of those “generic effects” that each class can have access to (more or less) in: lucky-hit, crit, overpower, barrier, fortify and then synergize builds with these (per skill, say another passive mini tree opens up at leveling up a skill on lvl3 or 5 or sth)

Here’s an example:

Maul (level 5 upgrade)
1 - Maul does 50% more damage and doubles spirit generation when healthy or attacking healthy targets
2 - Maul now has a 20% baseline chance to Overpower. However this bonus is lost temporarily after using 3 other abilities in a row that aren’t Maul
3 - Every 5th attack on a same target with Maul instead becomes a free cast of Trample

and similar…

Get the idea ?, we need to

1 - Have the incentive to INVEST into a skill
2 - Have a fairly good reason to INVEST into a style of gameplay (first upgrade makes Maul be a real good spirit generator and a fairly efficient combat starter, second one is tempting to make a Maul-first type build, and third is a really nice mobility buff that skilled players can put to use)

THAT is a really nice/healthy direction of things, the problem is (and am also afraid) that IF there are such things like that in game they’ll be a legendary affix or in some other item-grant form

Putting 3 (just 3 is enough as long as nice, diverse, and reliable) bonus of that kind on every skill and say unlock on level 3 or level 5 whatever, makes the player really invested into doing something and trying to make it work

THAT is something that would bring D4 to the next level and at this point I’d really vouch for (not going too much into depth, just give us 3 options to choose from, that’s all) :slight_smile:

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this game is pretty far from what I thought it was going to be.

It really does feel like D3.5 though, they should have leaned into D2 more heavily than D3, especially regarding the visuals there is still this slight cartoony feel to it (necro skeletons example).

Necro skellies need an overhaul I couldn’t play it after 5 minutes of watching them look like crap as well as bumbling around

I love what I am seeing so far.

Dungeons - I agree

What do the dungeon maps look like pool noodles strung together.

Even if you have to go back to the basics and make a square dungeon map and build inward with walls - even that feels better

Dungeon layouts seem lazy and copied from d3 - hit me with someone a tad more creative please

It’s the first 25 levels for Christ sake. You can’t say any of what you said with any certainly from that. Jesus you forum people.

So far, I’m loving the game. So, yea, D4 is the game I asked for.

All I want is more Looking for Group options and tools. I’ve been playing 99% solo. The only exception is the World Boss and one of the special Zone Events where I got an invite to a group of nearby players.

I want to be able to queue for groups to run dungeons like in Lost Ark.

go play Lost Ark then. Why does D4 have to introduce group play forced down my throat to suit your lonely existence !!! You can play this game with party, enter dungeons with party. MAKE A PARTY OF YOUR OWN !!! we don’t need group finders in here !!!

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I disagree here, to me it’s the other way around. Most classes have 1 or maybe 2 builds that “works” without having to get an absurd borrowed power from items and praying to the RNG gods.

I really hate the D3 system that every build is only viable IF you have that one item to make it work…

Yep. The lackluster skill tree, and character power, is a major issue here. Items is not a substitute.


Seriously, builds should in nearly all cases work before items are added into the mix. Items should just enhance, and specialize them further.

So last week I only did a handful of dungeons myself and saw a ton of hate about how they are made.

This week I went through all of them and each of them seems unique to me and is not a pain to progress to the last boss or elites. I don’t get the hate for the dungeons, they all fit the world perfectly and look great. While some do share a theme they are still different from others with a similar theme.

My only complaint would be backtracking in a couple of them where you need to 100% kill everything to open a door.

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I like it except the dungeon design…
you have to walk though all the dungeon or kill all the mobs to open door…
mobs density is bad … most of time, we are running over without mobs to kill…
What I feel like I am playing a RPG game instead of Action RPG game…

p.s. loading time is bad … consider i am using RTX3090 + 12900K + 128GB Ram and Nvme PCIE4 samsung 980pro SSD already…

Items in Diablo HAVE to be the primary factor to make your build. It’s the only way to monetize the game further in the future. That’s the problem with the core system of Diablo since 3 and it will be kept like that until they can slowly and gradually put in pay to win mechanics like “potion of increased chance to drop unique items”. BUY the battle pass and receive 5 potions on every 5th battle pass tier! Yay :)!!! It’s the main reason why this game is designed the way it is. You’ll be grinding Dungeons until your grave to get the items you want if you don’t buy the battle pass. It’s unfortunate really, the game looks solid in a-lot of ways!

I love this comparison to WoW because that’s exactly where Diablo is heading and what it wants to be. Blizzard knows WoW is on life support and they had to sacrifice one of their franchises to make a new WoW-like profit making machine. Diablo 4 is essentially WoW 2, but even then i think the game might struggle; there’s pretty significant flaws and you don’t need to get to the end game to see them. If you don’t see them, well then this game is for you, the casual masses that enjoy simplistic game loops.

I think it is weird to not have an opinion of a Beta where the end game is as stated that it will be the exact same thing we currently have but with sigils and another world event. It isn’t like we are completely in the dark here about what to expect unless everything the Devs have told us is just lies and speculation.

Not to mention that the Beta exists in its current form to drum up popularity and give feedback as the Devs asked for.

The devs have stated that Dungeons are their end game mechanic and if the dungeons in the the ENTIRETY of ACT 1 of 5 is terrible it doesn’t set a good precedent.

As for a friend that only got to lvl 25 in wow and had the same issues, I would recommend them not playing any more because 1-25 is no different than any other level. The only thing that changes is the level of monotony you have to endure.

The issue is repetitively. I have 5 lvl 25s right and the last 2 chars I lvl I ignored dungeons entirely.

The worry here is that as an Arpg replayability is a big thing when it comes to years of gameplay. Even if you take into account 100 dungeons and say 200 hours of gameplay the redundancy is going to be huge because nothing is really randomly generated anymore.