So is this the diablo we wanted?

Level scaling to match the plater is the biggest issue. It’s really a problem. Level - 5 if zone is under player level should do fine.

Camera zoom could use a 15-20% additional range option. Just as when you leave town/camp and enter the out doors, you get a little zoom out - maybe one more level would be fine, here.

The tips between zones(and frankly the amount of load screen simulation) need fixing. 9/10 are about Barbs being able to equip 4 weapons.

Since skills scale with level and items, I don’t see why we need to level lock skills. Especially with monster scaling matching players. This is a huge misstep. In past, you gate skills because they have strengths that amplify the players ability to clear maps. This isn’t the case in d4. Your auto attacks are often your highest DPS, with limited AOE.(Seriously, try an basic skill build, with affixes that support it. All classes are very strong, here, and don’t even need additional skills)

There needs to be a few more music tracks per zone. I feel like I heard the exact same 3-4 minute loop, and I ended up turning the music off because it wasn’t immersive enough to make a player feel like they were in different scenarios.

Key rebinding is an absolute must. PLEASE STOP LIMITING OUR ABILITY TO BIND WHAT WE WANT TO THE KEYS. Hell, wake up already. Why do we /need/ a gating for key presses? This is a user preference, not a gameplay mechanic.

Speaking of keys, holy hell is this ever a console port. The amount of buttons and pinwheel activity is beyond acceptable. PC players press a hotkey on the keyboard(there are 26 of them, not including special characters or numbers) and open a window. Why we have to open a window, to open a window, to open a window… Is like, steps backward so far we can’t even see you.

All in all, stop being lazy with development. Take a few of the UI guys, a few of the devs and within a few hours, fix this stuff. You don’t need months to fix keymapping, months to fix the audio track loop, months to fix the tips between zones, months to disable limitations to keybinding skills, months to adjust monster scaling. All of these things take an hour, at most. I’m very involved in game development in another game(all open source and volunteer, by the way) and issues like these are fixed by guys with kids jumping all over them.

A few missteps in characters being invulnerable in their skill states, perhaps remove the invuln and make them fortified+barrier, so they can still die. We don’t need Kennen Lightning rush invuln or vladimir sanguine pool invuln, or tryndamere undying invuln. We need a game that feels good to play and the players need to micro.

The pacing in the game is fine, outside of monsters having leveling attributes matching the player(and better).

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You are going to get thousands of different answers to that question lol …

For me personally, it’s not the Diablo I wanted. I can do without the “cultural correctness” being shoved down my throat in my game worlds and the shallow/dumbed down mobile like gameplay that it is. Which is fine, I requested a refund, and they honored it.

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it’s not shoved down your throat. There are human beings other than elves with big busts. The content in the game that even COULD be PC, is covered by armor. Consider other humans with different attributes exist, and the game is trying to go with realism.

You don’t HAVE to watch the show you don’t like the content in, you can change the channel.

It is kinda close… Perhaps not at this point but there is potential

Will keep my purchase, hoping the melee classes become far better/stronger gameplay during release. If not, zzzzzzz

It’s looking amazing, like Star Citizen.
Not the full game for a year or so (SC, give it 10 years), but both are well on the way to greatness.

The devs know what they are doing.

ye but it make the hole thing look stupid

Like D3, D4 is completely missing the continuity from D1/2. The music, the affixes, the godly uniques, the font, the stat mechanics, the follower, runes, ethereal, pretty much anything and everything that made D1/2 the standard bar. Take away Diablo from the D4 title and you have a completely generic indie ARPG. Blizzard said they would bring back the classic Diablo experience and they have 150% failed.


Personally, I would have to say that my initial impression of this game is less than stellar. I mean, this beta is supposedly an entire act of the game and the majority of the content is obviously material from Diablo III that has been “remastered.” So, I can certainly see plenty of validation in the opinions of others who see this as simply being Diablo 3.5 with microtransactions. Will I play this game at launch? Sure, I already paid for it. Will I play it for years to come or help fund the further development of it? If this beta is a sign of things to come, then absolutely not.

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There are uniques, probably godly(hope so) runes are coming, there are some variation of items that maybe are like ethereal(sacred and something else)
but this is a god damn beta, with 2 world tiers, 1 act and lvl 25 cap…

Items shouldn’t be the fix to everything though

Personally I’m kinda hopeful but also afraid that they might go that route you’re suggesting

What they really need to do is like add up a few more of those “generic effects” that each class can have access to (more or less) in: lucky-hit, crit, overpower, barrier, fortify and then synergize builds with these (per skill, say another passive mini tree opens up at leveling up a skill on lvl3 or 5 or sth)

Here’s an example:

Maul (level 5 upgrade)
1 - Maul does 50% more damage and doubles spirit generation when healthy or attacking healthy targets
2 - Maul now has a 20% baseline chance to Overpower. However this bonus is lost temporarily after using 3 other abilities in a row that aren’t Maul
3 - Every 5th attack on a same target with Maul instead becomes a free cast of Trample

and similar…

Get the idea ?, we need to

1 - Have the incentive to INVEST into a skill
2 - Have a fairly good reason to INVEST into a style of gameplay (first upgrade makes Maul be a real good spirit generator and a fairly efficient combat starter, second one is tempting to make a Maul-first type build, and third is a really nice mobility buff that skilled players can put to use)

THAT is a really nice/healthy direction of things, the problem is (and am also afraid) that IF there are such things like that in game they’ll be a legendary affix or in some other item-grant form

Putting 3 (just 3 is enough as long as nice, diverse, and reliable) bonus of that kind on every skill and say unlock on level 3 or level 5 whatever, makes the player really invested into doing something and trying to make it work

THAT is something that would bring D4 to the next level and at this point I’d really vouch for (not going too much into depth, just give us 3 options to choose from, that’s all) :slight_smile:

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this game is pretty far from what I thought it was going to be.

It really does feel like D3.5 though, they should have leaned into D2 more heavily than D3, especially regarding the visuals there is still this slight cartoony feel to it (necro skeletons example).

Necro skellies need an overhaul I couldn’t play it after 5 minutes of watching them look like crap as well as bumbling around

I love what I am seeing so far.

Dungeons - I agree

What do the dungeon maps look like pool noodles strung together.

Even if you have to go back to the basics and make a square dungeon map and build inward with walls - even that feels better

Dungeon layouts seem lazy and copied from d3 - hit me with someone a tad more creative please

It’s the first 25 levels for Christ sake. You can’t say any of what you said with any certainly from that. Jesus you forum people.

So far, I’m loving the game. So, yea, D4 is the game I asked for.

All I want is more Looking for Group options and tools. I’ve been playing 99% solo. The only exception is the World Boss and one of the special Zone Events where I got an invite to a group of nearby players.

I want to be able to queue for groups to run dungeons like in Lost Ark.

go play Lost Ark then. Why does D4 have to introduce group play forced down my throat to suit your lonely existence !!! You can play this game with party, enter dungeons with party. MAKE A PARTY OF YOUR OWN !!! we don’t need group finders in here !!!

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I disagree here, to me it’s the other way around. Most classes have 1 or maybe 2 builds that “works” without having to get an absurd borrowed power from items and praying to the RNG gods.

I really hate the D3 system that every build is only viable IF you have that one item to make it work…

Yep. The lackluster skill tree, and character power, is a major issue here. Items is not a substitute.


Seriously, builds should in nearly all cases work before items are added into the mix. Items should just enhance, and specialize them further.