So, I was thinking about the Crone staff last night, and I think I missed some things originally

I was thinking if I spec into Storm Strike to make it proc vulnerable, then when my claw casts Storm Strike it may do the same. So, I tested it out, and it does indeed do that. That seems pretty cool. Anyway, am I doing this right, lol?

Another question, though…so, the Crone staff reads that Claw is now a Storm skill, but when I cast claw I’m still a werewolf…So, does my werewolf armor and damage reduction still apply to Claw as a Storm skill?

Yes to all questions.

Look up stormclaw or stormwolf builds for more info.

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A lot of people use the exploit glyph as well as their source of vulnerable so that point could be used elsewhere as well.

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I was testing it out earlier, and I didn’t even have the staff leveled up or socketed, and it was cutting through Helltide like they were warm butter. And they weren’t doing any noticeable damage to me. So, I figured it was all good. I only went out to test if vulnerable was being applied, which it was. :slight_smile:

This hasnt drop yet. 92 ere. Every other unique dropped multiple times including multiple barb uniques. Whats wurst is the aspect pulverize send shockwave drops less than any unique

The staff is crazy…. I don’t want to say OP but yeah it basically allows you to just basic attack spam through content.

I haven’t seen it drop yet, or tempest roar lol. Got my fifth Vasilys and third hunters zenith last night though.

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Yeah, I just did three nightmare dungeons, and I was just basically hitting claw 80% of the time just for fun, lol. It was super quick.

No Tempest, no Crone. I is a saaaad panda.

Another, likely unintended bug, I found with the crone staff is it’s interaction with Mad Wolf’s Glee.

When using claw while spec’d into storm strike with the vulnerable chance on hit it will it will proc the vulnerable but not give the storm strike spirit back and only gives the claw spirit. If you have the chance to double hit with claw, you get the 20 spirit from claw while also procing vulnerable from storm strike.

Without mad wolf’s glee on, the chance to double hit on claw applies to storm strike giving you 28 spirit back while also procing vulnerable.

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