So I sold my soul to the devil

The dustdevil.

And it magically solved all my problems with whirlwind.

I was giving 500.000 of damage.
Now it gives 1 million and a half, 2 million average.

Yeah, I know, its still low compared with what people are doing.
But hey, it’s honest work.

But it sounds odd to me, really odd that your main skill don’t give any damage at all.
And we are using it just as a vehicle to an effect that isn’t even native from the class (meaning, you don’t see any node in the skill tree to activate dustdevils).

That in no means its me asking for a nerf for dustdevils.
This is me saying that you also should make the main skill powerful so it can work on itself, without depending on an add to proper work.

Is this a haiku?

Asking for a friend.

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I’m kinda of a poet in my free time.

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are you wanting to do more dmg with WW? or…

he means dustdevils not daredevil

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Yeah yeah, that thing that also spins.

Paraphrasing Sofia Vergara:
“I’m smarter in portuguese”

barb has no tornado skills
druid has tornado skills
barb does tornado better than druid
buff barb

im also a poet in my free time :wink:


that is one of the terrible design decision that also plague D3.

It is beyoung stupid to have your main skill deal miniscule dmg and a pogg deals massiv dmg. It fells anticlimatic. Just plaain dumb to be honest.

I also hate that my barb can’t just have a nice attack animation for two handers with instnat dmg.

there are literlay only 2 basic skill you can use with a two handed sword and that is either an attack with a nice animation but stipid DoT dmg which feels wierd carring a massiv sword.

the other 1 is direct dmg but he is only stabbing with the sword as if it is a rapier not a massiv two hander. It is so wierd i don’t get behind this design decision. It’s plain bollocks

Welcome to the Blizzard sorcerer, whom uses Ice Spike as the actual damaging factor.

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Yeah this is one of the problems with their balancing. Skills don’t do the dmg. Things like that do the dmg. Then when they run into problems they nerf the class stuff to bandaid it. This is why classes and skills mostly feel bad and there are always some bugged interaction. This balance team is terrible.


Lol was thinking exactly the same when playing barb yesterday. Hilarious.

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Strength unmatched, they rise
Barbarians shout, earthquakes
Mightiest of them all

Dustdevil cuts air
Barbarians, strongest might
Nature’s fiercest force

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