So goblin bags got hotfixed but

they removed the NMD key the goblins dropped. So we will eventually run out of the sigil crafting material fishing for the increased shrines.
SSF Fun nerf


where does it say they fixed it

can you link official post that stating it is fixed ?

I can’t find a link but watching streamers and it’s changed, the bags are fixed, you can do higher NMD then just 41-46 to get 925 bags, and goblins no longer drop sigils to fuel your fishing for increase shrine sigil effect

Edit: Blizzard just posted a hotfix update

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I get lots of sigil powder just playing the game.


Start craft fishing your sigils for increased shrine effect only and pray the RNG gods bless you, you will eventually run out of dust tho and won’t be able to sustain fishing. I already plowed through 75k powder making 41-50 keys pre hotfix. More powder cost for 91-100 keys. Takes a few NMD to craft 1 key and then you roll that key vs something like 10 MND effects praying for Increased Shrine

Why? I only salvage the Bane sigils. All others I just use and get through them. All the time you are wasting trying to craft a good sigil could instead be used to just level your glyphs.


All my glyphs are are lvl 21 including the blue ones. I only want increased shrine effect sigils for goblin event. Running a sigil without increased shrines will give you 1 maybe 2 shrines the whole dungeon, you can run several dungeons without coming across a single greed shrine, but if you run Increased Shrine you get a greed shrine almost every single dungeon

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I mean, whatever floats your boat. I don’t bother running NMD to just look for greed shrines. There are enough of those in Helltides.

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I’m with you here. One of the oddest complaints to come from this event and the hotfix honestly. What’s the opposite of finding the silver lining in everything? Finding the stains of a toilet bowl or something? I don’t know.

Are you even with the times right now and aware of how the goblin event works? You click on a greed shrine for a buff, NMD seem to have bigger pack density and you slaughter everything you can and kill a bunch of goblins and win. A 4 man dungeon party can spawn like 30+ goblins on 1 greed shrine. If you wanna hang in the Hell tide zone and pray you beat someone else to a greed shrine and then hope you get 2-3 goblins to spawn before your buff falls off then whatever floats your boat I guess :slight_smile:
By Monday the forums will be full of “I need more sigil powder”

For every silver lining, there is a dark cloud of despair :wink:

One of the oddest complaints to come from this event and the hotfix honestly.

The more trivial the issue, the more rabid the complaints. It’s human nature.

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OK well I didn’t know any of that. Thx for the nfo but my question would be what do they drop that I can’t get from helltides while I’m getting iron wolves rep?

They didn’t. I just did quite a few NMDs with a couple of friends and we were lucky to have the gold/goblin altar, each spawning 3 goblins and all the goblins dropped at least one sigil, usually two and sometimes even three.

Well I don’t really know what they fixed… because I did 7 runs and I didn’t find any, even though I have the client updated.

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guys, i dont think the sigil powder goal was to only have the shrine affixe on keys lol

you asking to have the butter and the money butter here : P

its just an event for a couple week not a core thing of the game

This is the most pointless complaint ever, treasure goblins were never the primary source of sigils.

My hope is that you trolled us perfectly.

They drop TONS of sigils and they all gold find sigils in NMD. Believe me i farmed probably 400+ gobby bags in nmd this morning. But what i did not know. Was that all items in gobby bags are not tradable…

Damn, I didn’t even know this exists and haven’t logged in in the last couple of days hahaha. Was a bit busy with other stuff. Don’t really understand why people have so much Fomo for stuff like this.