So... first weeks of leadbord.., we already know who's gonna be #1 (Rob)

Already 100, cuz welp why not… since blizz allows everything…
Personally idc for leadbords, just thought pple might wanna know the first weeks of leaderbord you won’t have a single chance pretty much… sadly…


Oh no, someone with more time on their hands is already 100 in a video game. Whatever shall I do? Guess I’ll stop playing and pack it in. My enjoyment has been taken away by one individual who plays more than I do. Knew I shouldn’t have even tried this season.


lol…, more time?
i played season 2 alone over 400hrs,
atleast know you’re audience :wink:

he’s doing the same thing as in s2, many many people helping him to get to #1, same he did with AoZ using exploits to get to level 200TOB which would normally be impossible if done without exploits.

unless you’re saying level 100 within 16hrs after S3 release is doable for any other player that doesn’t have streamer advantages?

either was i mentioned idc, just pointing it out for others who care for leaderbords.


Do I think what he’s doing is cheesy, 100%. But it’s not breaking any rules, so why not.

I’m saying I honestly don’t care one way or another what another player does in a video game I also play. I don’t care if he has help getting to 100, I don’t care if he gets decked out in Ubers before the week is over. None of that matters to me. I’ll still play the game regardless.

Do people stop watching a movie because other people have seen it before them? This logic is just absurd.


Yeah he has all his little minions to boost him plus no-life = no chance for anyone else


ye fair, im just pointing it out to others who care for those leaderbords, personally leaderbords is nothing interesting to me, S4 itemisation might be something…

depending on how they actually… are gonna do it.

also fyi…, movie vs videogame unfair comparison…

Personally I don’t care and find it quite amusing TBH.

I guess this is why games like POE have SSF?

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I mean you may think it’s an unfair comparison I think it works fine. Both are forms of entertainment. You either enjoy a movie or stop watching it. The fact that hundreds to millions of other people have seen the movie shouldn’t affect your enjoyment or lack there of. Video games work very much the same way.

Now yes you may stay engaged longer to a video game, but it’s still a form of entertainment. If people are so concerned with other people consuming this form of entertainment they may want to rethink their life choices.

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Rob is nothing but an exploit user and should have been banned when caught using exploits the first time but daddy blizz refuses to uphold their TOS for streamers. It is sickening


Last i remembered seeing a movie in theater, there is no leaderboard ? hm…
Or an entire movieset beeing focused around leaderbords top 1/10/100 etc

unless cinemas are different over there?

Literally do not care that someone who is so trash they need a squad of simps to carry them is up to anything. Imagine wasting a non renewable resource like care on this

solo mode. That simple.

Whole leaderboard dedicated to watching movies and how many you can watch in a given day. If you have friends you can movie hop, catch the last 5 minutes, and get credit.

You know what I mean, don’t act coy. :stuck_out_tongue:

in all honesty, never done such a thing myself, does sound fun however sort of? :thinking:

Leaderboards will be infested with the top players having almost 100% online time versus the seasons actual online time (bots)

I don’t know what’s worse, these people complaining about everything, or you replying to defend everything, looking for some info on this forum, I see you with the same narrative.
I have a feeling you are not even playing the game, only the forum game, which is sad to say the least.
Just my random 2 cents

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What have I defended? Please tell me I’d love to know. You can go back through my entire post history it’s public. The only thing I’ve ever defended is how I personally play the game. I wouldn’t even call it defending, I’d just say I’m explaining how I play the game. I’ve ridiculed and criticized the game more times than I care to list. So let me know in your mind what I’m defending, because it’s not the game.

I’m going to say that the snowplow Barb will dominate.

Sounds like solo self found leaderboards would solve some issues

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