So fed up with the dungeons

Easy fix: dont like it, dont play. Byebye.

All the dungeons are starting to feel the same. Everything explodes. Why does everything need to explode on death? Who thought damage resist was a fun idea? Do they even play their own game?!

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So you come here to complain about it to people that don’t care what you think lol

Then go play some thing else an stop trying to turn the game into another boring Diablo 3. Just because you to lazy to play the game.

Then you turn it into another boring Diablo 3.

Wait till you do maps in POE lol

I don’t even mind that portion of the dungeons. What really annoys me is the random dungeon affixes in NM dungeons. Like why do we need that annoying thing that constantly tries to get you and interferes with your gaming sessions?

Nothing like some awesome lightning strike hitting you every 10 seconds, unless you stand under a dome…

One of the biggest problems is the repetition, which I thought was initially just a randomization function, but there are a lot of dungeons that seem pretty static. However, one of the other main issues is that the dungeons are extremely linear. In D2 and I think D3 - if I remember correctly for the latter - there were at least multiple levels, entrances and exits. There was an air of exploration that seems lacking compared to the other titles. I would like to see some more variety for sure.

For real. The end game loop gives the same vibes as being nagged to go to the grocery store, drive home, cook dinner, and then you get to sort all the dirty dishes, put them back in the cupboard, and do it all over again.

I haven’t played in weeks and I don’t miss the miserable suffering of playing the game

kill all enemies in the area… all ghost archers. ouch

D3 was more entertaining than the trash we have now.

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You hit the nail on the head. The most bothersome thing about this game is there is too much stuff interfering with the flow of the grind. Especially if you run with ADD peeps. lol Let’s head to dungeon A! Ok, lets go! Wait! there is an event, oh there is a legion, oh there is a cellar…finally we are at Dungeon A. Lets kill the BOSS! Oh wait. need a key… and kill all the mobs etc. lol.

No you just like it because it was easy an you didnt have to do any thing.

Did anyone say anything about how much I play? You’re just making stuff up to try and troll and BTW you’re not very good at it.

I don’t care how much you play, just thought I’d save time.

You can do other things in-game and you can do other things out-of-game.

No one is forcing you to only do nightmare dungeons. The devs certainly aren’t. If you’re bored of them, do something else. Make sense?

No sorry it doesn’t make sense at all. Because it affects virtually ALL dungeons not just nightmare. If you look at how the game is developed the “dungeons” are the primary grind mechanism. They provide the best XP and best chance of loot. So it would be nice if the main grind mechanism wasn’t so freaking annoying.

Wth is fun about them?

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Amen, dungeons are a fail in every way, their design, layout and objectives, there are some exceptions, but for the most part Diablo 4 sits at the bottom of the ARPG genre in its excecution, especially dungeons.

But what do you expect? Watch the trailers, them devs don’t look nor sound like innovative competent people. They are the last remnant of a failing dynasty, it’s clown world over there by now.