The mid winter ward one time per account gift is pretty awesome. That amount and quality of rewards is what you should be aiming your entire game drop rate as a benchmark.
That felt real good . Finally got bunch of ancestral to drop that felt like season 5 again, it was really good.
Also helltide cinder buff , again felt amazing. Game is fun again due to these drop increases. So, stop being cheap and afraid to give players drop, that ain’t fun . This is a loot based game so shower us with good loot please !
Thank you for the gift and rewards ! For once , being a temporary event and one time reward you did good.
Hopefully your planned ancestral buffs for S7 is worth the wait.
On side note , lots people complaining they cannot gain enough power is also due to fact that finding a ancestral drop which suits people build is so darn hard, it artificially gate keeps people power level lower having to use legendary at power lvl 750 8/8 tempers. That ain’t fun , its already mid season people still have tons aspect that is 16/21. … that ain’t fun
Thank you for reading
you must playing a different game to me - not a single upgrade to anything useful - another wasted day!
I actually got super lucky… I’m playing a Meteor sorcerer and the unique gift bag dropped an ancestral Starfall Coronet with the GA on Cooldown. I had to double check I was actually playing Diablo 4… an item I can actually use? Is that even possible?
Of course it’s on my HC Eternal toon… I’m sure if got it on seasonal it would’ve been something totally useless like Fists of Fate. Season 6 – Vessel of Disappointment.
Was the cinder buff even intended? I don’t remember in the patch notes saying cinders will rain from the skies but I may not have read the whole thing.
I honestly can’t fathom how we got past a mid-season patch without a GA drop increase. I don’t understand this team at all.
I can. It takes no real effort to buff drop rates and we all know it would make people happy and would bring players who have quit on the season back.
However, what if their solution to this, which is planned for next season, isn’t all that great of a difference. Say they buffed drop rates now as a temporary measure, but then had to bring them back down for S7. We’d all cry nerf, and the last thing Blizzard wants these days is to hear that word. But if they don’t change drop rates at all now they can claim any change for S7 is a buff, bypassing the idea of a nerf.
that reward is useless. blizzard is threating us as homeless people that bergain…
something like: look, reach people(SB pleyers) are living in big houses and you poor homeless(non-SB players) take some remains…
Do people not realise how “stupid” this is.
You cannot shower people with good loot. The moment you do that, all that good loot turns to bad loot cause “good” loot is allways a progression for the char.
When they shower you with loot your progression journey ends quickly and you are back at where you started.