So... An update seems reasonable at this point

I suppose I should blame myself for assuming launch might go well, and deciding to setup an old school LAN with friends to play

But at this point I’d honestly just like to know if we’re wasting our time and should come back tomorrow


Yeah, you’re asking too much of Blizz it seems. You’ll know when they’ll be ready.

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I think people get more bothered by being ignored than they do the actual delays in things like this.


They deleted the files and backup files and cloud files and have to start over now

Yes, we deserve and update every hour at lesst

It’s okay the longer they delay means the easier my chargeback process is

What now way, love being left in the dark and told nothing!!

Yes, exactly this

Been playin Blizz games for 25+ years - I’m no stranger to their ways lol

I just can’t stand the lack of communication - it’s always been terrible


Why tho? They dont give a flying _ _ _ _, they got your money. You on Blizzard time now. LOL They will tease and tease and tease. And we will sit here and take in the yang whole.

That’s the spirit! Tell us nothing, let it be totally random!


Do dmg controll.

Im from germany and Im at a point of no return.

I pre slept, woke up at 12 at night and drank a coffee and added a redbull while boosting up my pc.

I read it will be delayed but the dmg was done.
Pre slept, coffee, redbull…

No way Im sleeping but no way ill play tomorrow if launches in 12 hours. Maybe a few hours but then ill be tired

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100% why I am upset. I expect this with Bliztards and learned of their incompetence a very long time ago and fine I get it S*** happens, but they need to be more communicative to some extent. 2.5 hours and no update is unacceptable.

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Its blizzard, you’d probably get more info from reddit or twitter over their own forums.

Just posted, 2 more hours.

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2 more at least* upwards of 2 meaning 2 is wishful thinking lol


there’s an update now Adjustment and Delay to Vessel of Hatred Launch Start Time