Skyhunter vs ordinary bow/xbow

Buon giorno

What are your feelings about skyhunter vs a normal weapon with aspect?

I did get skyhunter but obly lvl 890ish and seems to be quite difficult to get a good one as the special effect range is quite broad. Would you say that one should wait for a lvl 925 skyhunter with near max stats and meanwhile use another weapon (plus 650 sheet damage) or is the skyhunter effect still worth it? Furthermore do you even use skyhunter? Build is penetrating shot with rapid fire.

Would you recommen the other unique bows at all, like windforce or eaglehorn?

Skyhunter and a 4/4 crossbow (all stats, dex, crit damage, core damage) with Edgemaster’s are fairly comparable in performance. The crossbow has slightly higher damage but not by much, meanwhile Skyhunter has some QoL with the guaranteed crit (makes getting precision stacks slightly easier) and the energy regen. Skyhunter is also the choice to go with if you use heartseeker or forceful arrow as your basic skill.

Crossbow will have more random variance in damage (due to using aspect of elements) where as Skyhunter’s damage is high on the first hit (higher damage vs healthy targets), but goes down from there. This is quite noticeable in boss fights in particular, though there’s not much of that this season.

Crossbows however at the moment have a huge advantage due to a new bug with Weapon Mastery, basically doing 3x more damage than it should be.


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This is the real answer right now.

For me it’s been impossible to get a 925 unique bow, and the damage is important and falls off hard even if you’re only missing 20-30 item power.

Even ignoring item power, I haven’t had a perfect roll skyhunter, so because of that I’ve been running aspect of elements for the most part (925, with the item affixes I want). I’m a RF only build w/ starless skies, banished lords talisman, beast boots, condemnation.

Now that weapon mastery bug with crossbow will be fixed, it may be more valuable to use it again if you manage to get a 925 one.

Depends. The reworked branching volleys aspect for Barrage might be insane when imprinted on a 4/4 925 crossbow. Some have said it might be the meta.

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Yup that’s already my plan for new build this evening :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. Have a really nice 925 crossbow waiting to be imprinted.

Against bosses, the Sky hunter isn’t really worth it, I prefer a beast with an aspect that deals 40% more damage when I have full resources.