Sirocco Caverns NMD

Unable to complete Sirocco Caverns NMD because 1 spider caller was missing.


Same, ran it twice now and both times only got one spider caller.

Same problem, 1 spider caller short from completing NM. There was an event in a room, possibly blocked the spider caller from spawning?

This is happening with almost a dozen NM dungeons. These types of dungeons are causing it:

  1. Animus Urn where you have to kill Elites to fill your Animus bar to 100%. An Elite short changes you, and you finish up with 97% collected and no way to fill the Urn. Thus the gate doesn’t open. This has happened to me on Betrayer’s Row.
  2. Kill all the Monsters.
    a) From what I’ve seen, this seems to happen if the Butcher makes his surprise visit. I think this increments the monster count and doesn’t set it back when he’s killed or leaves.
    b) Monster spawns in a wall or out of bounds. Yep this happens and you can sometimes hear the mob’s voice dialog. For instance, Fallen war cries and spider’s spitting web. It happens with the Butcher too (Reported in this forum and hasn’t happened to me). You’ll hear him grunting and exclaiming “Fresh Meat” but he’s nowhere to be found. If you go to the area where his sound dialog is loudest, it’s because he’s behind or in a wall.

If this happened to you in another NMD type, please enter it here. I’ll make a Thread about this with all the affected dungeons.

  • Salute

I just had the same issue as OP… 1 Spider Caller

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Had it happen three times.

same here - ran the dungeon (sirocco caverns) 2 times, both times 1 spider caller short. rand through the dungeon several times in case i just missed the caller but nope. no enemy alive.

I also encountered this issue at the end of my run. I couldn’t find the last spider caller anywhere on the map.

this just happened to me too, stupid spider callers

happened to me just now 5/26/2024 @ 2:14PM EST

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Ditto. same here. Just happened. NMD 94. (No Butcher FWIW, just had one Spider Caller left to kill, only there wasn’t one.) COME ON Blizzard, fix your junk.

Same bug acured to me right now.
Still not fixed.

Same thing happened today, still not fixed.