Side quests question

Is there any way to monitor which side quests left to complete for every region? I cant find last one in Scosglen and it seems for me that i did em all


I’m pretty sure there isn’t. The only way is to track them yourself as you go.

Unfortunately I didn’t know that when I made my first character, so I’m still missing about 7 side quests overall with no way of knowing which ones they are.

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Not directly related to this, but I’d like to have a way to hide and forget about side quests once and for all. They are so casual to do them on every character, and for odd reasons I like my game to feel complete on my characters, but these unfinished side quests are like thorn in my clean sheet. Just a small wish, let me hide them Blizz!

I was very surprised that this game released without a quest tracker. That is like standard fare nowadays.

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This has been a QoL we’ve been asking for since near launch. Even something as simple as just showing us a list of the ones we’ve completed so we can cross reference it.

Sadly you have to keep track of them yourself. The achievement screen will show you how many you’re missing I believe, but obviously no additional information aside from that.

If you click that link it has a list of hidden quests that may or may not help you.


There unfortunately isn’t a good option for this.

Icy veins has a tool you can manually update.

Or look at 1 of the interactive maps

Thank you guys! I remembered and found the last one. One with bear kills.
I hate killing wildlife in a game full of demons, but that’s another issue of mine with blizz )

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