Shroud of False Death

What do you guys think about the new mythic unique chest armor Shroud of False Death?

  • Inherent: +1 to All Passives

  • +111 All Stats

  • +222 Maximum Life

  • +333% Damage on Next Attack After Entering Stealth

  • 11.1% Resource Generation

If you haven’t attacked in the last 2 seconds, gain Stealth and 40%[+] Movement Speed.

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It looks cool.

20 chars

Looks nice but everyone will still go for Tyrael.

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Kind of wonder if necro minions atk break stealth lol.

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It looks good on paper, but it would only work well in a mode where only DPS matters. Without armor or resistance, it would be tough to compete against those who have them.

its a strong endgame option for high end game pushing in many builds where u need every bit of extra dmg u can squeeze in. And in lategame u can figure armor and res even with shroud, against what ppl believe here.

It has definataly uses.

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Best use: swap.

When you’re waiting for a boss to spawn, enter Stealth, first hit big boom; swap to Tyreal’s.

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This was best in slot for a few new builds, and it also happens to be an item that is about to get gutted.

Azurewrath and Frostburn also. Those items aren’t going to drop initially with the expansion while Blizzard “looks into them” (to nerf into oblivion).

I think it doesn’t matter until it isn’t blacklisted.

Oh wow, it must be very bad if they don’t allow players to use them.

Pretty sure there’s a way to bug the sh out of it and gain 24/7 333% dmg

Streamers will find out eventually

As it is tyrael is way better than this for pretty much any build, also considering T4 elem res debuff

Yes it does. There was a bug that didnt cause it but they are fixing it

There is a temper which grants a similar ability and initially it seemed like channeling Dance of Knives on Rogue enable “24/7 333% dmg” but the temper and similar effects appear to not be working at the moment. :melting_face:

You made a mistake it’s not +222 Max life , it’s 222% to max life

Not sure how it got gutted they changed the +222 to max life to 222% to max life…Which is HUGE

Too bad blizz sucks and can’t seem to figure out how to release stuff on time… But that’s cool, we paid for it… While they laugh all the way to the bank. Pathetic

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