Should tempest roar drop rate be buffed or nerfed?

There seem to be a lot of people who got multiple TR early on (myself included), and many who claim to be lvl 100 with no drops. Enter Schrodinger’s drop rate.

What is the consensus here? Buff it or nerf?

Keep it the same. It’s relatively rare for the amount of potential power it holds, which is perfect.

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There is never a good reason to nerf drop rates of any item.

I have gotten a ton of these things. Honestly confused how people are not more annoyed with the rolls on the unique items.

because rng be rng

on my druid i found about 15 tempests roars by the time i hit 100
my buddy went to 100 and never saw a single one

i didn’t do anything special, i did helltides and nightmare dungeons, did random tilesets on dungeons and didn’t do one thing in particular. I got them from event chests, end nm dungeon rewards, and random drops.

rng can be cruel, it’s just sad that the other 14 i got went to the vendor because i couldn’t trade them, so i couldn’t even give my buddy one of my “extras” or trade them on market to others who didn’t get any drops

I don’t think it should be buffed or nerfed-- but the Druid loot table must be looked over again because of the recent fix from the removal of barbarian uniques. Something just feels strange, regardless of how desirable TR is, something isn’t right with people going through all 100 levels without a TR

My experience with TR is very unusual, as I’ve gotten as many TR’s as I did VP for werebear/earth. I’ve gotten my first TR around the late 60s and another within the 70s. For most classes, this type of unique drop rate variety is typical.

I’m still getting an even rate between VP and TR as a lv.98

Got my first one today at level 79 in a nightmare 37 it was the last boss that dropped it.

Not even entertaining this as an actual conversation.

It needs buffed.

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I’m in the opposite boat having found 12 Vasilly’s so far (lvl 88), 10 Mother’s rings, 2-3 of everything else, but not a single TR.

I’d like to see something like Kanai’s cube offering the ability to switch one Unique for another of the same type. Perhaps the cost could be sacrificing a second Unique?

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