Sharpshooter boss in pit needs a massive nerf it is extremely overtuned this is pit 60

Just before you elitist comes in and stroke your epeen at me, I was able to clear up to pit 68. I decided to drop down to pit 60 and farm some ingolith…

God forbid I got the sharpshooter boss… he one shot me out of no where every single time. No idea what is killing me, might be his shadow or him, the 1 shot just happens instantly . It is getting out of hand.

Blizzard - you really need to rebalance this pit thing. Greater rift in D3 had the balance right, since you already took a book from that page maybe take a few more to round it off nicer.

I don’t care if you make pit 100+ insanely hard, I won’t be attempting it, I am not interested either. But let your average player at least able to farm for some Nethiron to participate in the last 4 stages of Masterworking ?

Gating majority of the player out of content is not the way to go.

To add some context - I have 35K HP, armor and resis capped.


i agree 1 shot damage shouldnt exist in a game like diablo, but what you said literally screams you want to get 1 shot by them, lol

d3 had horrible balance…

I cant even get to 60 yet. Stuck in 50s. Damn sorc drops dead to everythang! I need to get more gear with greater life meh.

more life won’t help, the tuning of the boss is way out of hand. You will get 1 shotted…may god help you if you get sharpshooter as the end boss.

Yeh Def, sharpshooter needs tweaking for sure. There is a buzz that there might be some boss adjustments in the patch next week. Speculations but I can see it happening.

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The problem is Blizzard added all these tempering stats that have massively increased player power but it’s really only added offensive and utility power, not defensive. Even moreso, they removed damage reduction stats from legendary gear. Now we have a game where players deal crazy amounts of damage yet don’t have as much to help them survive.

That being said, seeing as we do so much damage, you can very comfortably lose some damage stats/paragon/skills, in favour of stuff that gives flat damage reduction. This will massively help you survive pit 60 and 70 bosses and higher.

I stacked more damage reduction skills/stats than usual and I can facetank tier 70 bosses and their shadow attacks no problem.

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Blizz runs their telemetry and data shows 90% of the player is hard blocked at pit 50 average and on the edge of quitting…

Oh yes, they will jump right on it to adjust…

I’m doing pretty good then, I have opened up pit 78 but mainly run between 65~70. No triple stacking potions or grouping (SSF). I might try higher but I just like running fast zones over slower.

It depends on the class your playing. barb sure maybe you can face tank.

Even your meta class this season Necromancer, is squishy… we cannot face tank anything…

agreed, agreed, Def… I’m interested in whats coming (and not) next week.

Same problem - not only does the sharpshooter one-shot you - but at least one of the one-shots has no preceding animation so its unavoidable. Some of the one shots were potentionally avoidable - but still badly designed.

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I’m a 100 barb with masterworked gear, 100k life and 9k armor. I still get 1 shot by him lol

I hate the sharpshooter so much.

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You mean the little guy with a crossbow?
It’s the worst boss ever at least for my build which is thorns barb
He almost does not attack you or disappeares every 15 seconds so annoying

It’s strange how whenever someone dies they feel the need to come to the forums and cry.


You’re on every recent forum post antagonizing people and contributing nothing to the conversation. Why?

Because it needs to be said, and crybabies annoy me.

No, it doesn’t. Muted.