Servers are cooked!

I’ve defended the always online component of the game, but I’ve just had to stop playing because the server lag made it like playing a Powerpoint game! This happens every few games. It also feels like when I move from one area to another I will get bounced to servers in Australia, SEA and even the US as ping goes from 100-300. (I live in one of the most remote towns on the planet, so 100 ping to Aussie server isn’t unusual, though in other games it is 72.)


Sounds like living in one of the most remote towns on the planet is your problem. :face_with_monocle:


No. It isn’t. Ping isn’t amazing, but it is constant. Stop boot licking mate, it isn’t attractive. The servers are rooted.


You sure the problem isn’t your machine/your connection?

Because you make dumb posts revealing that you live in one of the most remote towns on the planet, but it absolutely must be the game’s fault you have a bad ping.

Yeah, sure…couldn’t possibly be your connection or that your ISP is overloaded at certain times.


You shills DO realize that the devs have not refined or updated the overload server system to actually transfer you to a properly populated shard right? Of course you don’t.



Also, how would a shard get “improperly populated”? Instances likely fill up relatively evenly. You can probably have cases where one server is handling more instances than others, but it would’ve gotten to that point when it was more evenly distributed.

This wouldn’t really be much of an issue, even if what you said turned out to be true.

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For me the server lag was really bad in the first week, after they did the maintenance like a week in the game became really playable…

Then I think it was like 2 weekends ago they had a DDoS attack or something? It hasn’t ever recovered since…

I typically only play hc in games like these, it was bad in d2 and worse in d3. But this is a whole different kind of bad. The lag is awful.

Agreed. Blizzard seems to have some shards heavily overloaded and those shards (aka server instance) become CPU bottlenecked. This could be due to the massive difference in computational resources required for some builds vs. others. For example, if you happen to get unlucky and placed in the same instance as a bunch of players running Blood Lance you run into server tickrate issues and see massive delay and application latency spikes. This is why you will notice it when loading into a zone or NM dungeon. Then when you can leave that dungeon/zone, get moved to a new shard, and it will immediately clear.

you do know that each instance is limited to like 12 people right?

meaning if you are having problems with an “improperly populated shard”, then it IS your internet since they are always around the same. if 11 other people mess up your connection, it IS your connection that is the problem.

Stop calling everyone a shill and bootlicker because you refuse to believe your internet connection is trash.

Mover closer to civilization ffs. stop blaming everything else for you being a hermit.


Hey guys, I can report a thing: I have the game on both PC and Xbox Series X and right now the game is 100% playable on console and really 0% playable on PC (terrible lag here, huge loading times, other games like D2 Resurrected & D3 are still running great).

This wasn’t the case a few days ago, were D4 ran very well here.

This is not true. Some builds are much more taxing on the server resources. This is the evident by the fact that Blizzard had to temporarily nerf them because of it. If you happen to get placed into a shard with too many other players running builds that are more computationaly expensive it causes a performance impact.

Wasn’t there that one build not that long ago which damn near crashed the server by itself and was disconnecting people?

Try PvP zones, you can barely move sometimes due to constant lag. More ppl in, more lag. Zero response from devs, like there is no problem.

Ffs, you really are a shill.

The ping sits on 98. It is stable. I’ve been PC gaming since your Dad convinced your Mum not to spit you out. I understand how ping works. I understand what server lag is and what it looks like. I am isolated, thousands of kms away from servers, and yet this is the only game I have problems with. Those problems are also random and inconsistent. When they occur, I can change game with no problems. I’m running a 6800XT and a Ryzen 7 5800X3D - it isn’t my system that is the problem.


Can attest to this. Game runs fine for me most of the tine untill a world event spawns like a world boss or a legion event.

Its gotten so dependable that I use it likr a notification if

  1. There is a world boss that loaded
  2. There is a legion event that loaded
  3. There is someone to kill in the pvp zones :joy::joy:

PVP Zones in World Tier 4 are particularly unplayable i’m sure Blizzard is aware of this

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It’s Blizz servers. I was rubber banding like crazy in D3 earlier.

It’s sad.

I have 1gb internet and get 10ms ping to google/Twitter.

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“Most days, the Diablo servers are fine, then they’re not.”

I’m in no way a Blizzard apologist, but really, do you not see the contradiction in that statement? And, on top of that, you live in the boonies. I’m thinking the D4 servers aren’t the problem in this case.