unfortunately that is not how servers and databases work mate, and you can’t predict the future on precisely how much serverload/players will be joining the server and how your new game code will write to the database under load, needs to be tested on a busy server first.
But you bought it, that’s why you’re able to comment in the forums.
NO, all it takes is to install open-beta…
Im pretty sure they gonna fix it, you gonna get privilege you paid for.
I look forward to you coming to this forums and say sorry if they manage to make a somewhat smooth launch of the game, two can play the same game.
Kek, this is Blizzard you are talking about. You should know better.
everyone knows for blizzard games, you don’t take off main patch days, and you don’t take off major release days. Wonder why that is. Almost like they have a track record.
I wonder how long I can afk in town for while posting here before it kicks me to the character select section?
You don’t even know me. I already stated that after 23 years I don’t expect launches to go smoothly. It’s on you if you do. Do I think it’s OK for stuff to go wrong on every Blizzard release? Hell no, but after every launch and it’s all pretty much the same, to expect anything different is stupid as hell.
My expectations for Blizzard to do anything seamlessly is somewhere 6ft under. Maybe you should lower your expectations so you don’t get so upset when it doesn’t work.
Besides any of that, this beta is for stress testing, so what do you expect?
you still dont get the point, at all. They have 20 years of data, experience, and knowledge of what to expect. The current issue they are having should not be happening period. Stop making excuses. This isnt testing a damn thing lol
I expect a working product considering they had the same issues last week. Want to stress test? let everyone from everywhere hit the servers non stop.
Not trickle in at a pace you control.
Wow… do you have to be so rude? You’re projecting, I’m not outraged. This isn’t even close to what I feel. All I’m doing is seeing a problem and notifying the devs about said issue. I know this is a Beta and a stress test, so I’m doing my part as a player testing the Beta to notify the devs of an issue so that it won’t be one on the day of the launch. The Beta test is only dealing with a small fraction of the actual player base, if the servers are having trouble now, imagine how bad it will be if they don’t fix it or prepare for actual day of the launch.
For an open beta specifically for stress testing. You can’t be serious.
2042 Had an open beta stress test. Millions played it. The servers didn’t have these issues. 64v64 player count with crossplay.
Explain why that game didn’t have the same issues.
Its almost like one company that everyone hates has an understanding on server stability.
Again, this is Blizzard we’re talking about. Which has been my whole point this entire time, but it seems to keep going over your head.
Right and as I said before, they will have issues at launch, but to give them a pass because “Hurr beta stress test” is ridiculous. They should be able to have servers up and running right now that can handle the loads.
If it cant that should be a cause for concern for the live game.
Who’s giving them a pass?
You think because Sibu is complaining on the forums that everything is going to change now? Good luck with that.
This is you giving them the pass.
But thats ok if you want to. Im sure this indie company will square away the servers intime /s
Your complaining nor my complaining is going to change anything if it’s already been 20+ years of the same b.s. at every launch. But you go ahead and dream that your voice will be the one to make that difference.
Just remember, you gave them the pass by posting “its just the beta”
I’m willing to bet it will be worse.
Because. That. Is. What. The. Beta. Is. For.